The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Drama
A comedy that takes place during 24 hours on Sunset Strip in...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Samir Majan was raised as a Muslim in the Middle East. When studying in America he becomes a Christian which may cause some difficulties when he returns...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Drama
A young Christian Daniel David A.R. White is in public high school. He feels as if his religion is placing too many restrictions on him and he wishes to have some freedom from biblical...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy
Jeni Juno is a drama based on what is becoming a serious trouble in Korean society. While the main characters in Jeni Juno are not as bad as the real ones in society the movie tries to reflect the issue with more light-hearted way. Jeni and Juno are 15 years old. And they are an official couple that every student knows in their school. They really do get along well and very close close...
Country: South Korea
Genre: action ; historical ; political
The late 14th c Goryeo. Abuse of power and corruption made people to leave the government offices and only the corrupted people are left in the high offices. When there seem to be no hope there are a group of young people who values the meaning of scholar heavily. They are the Sungkyunkwan scholars who have dreams to bring peace to the world and they were the hope of Goryeo. Sambong Jung Do Jun...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy
The Weird Missing Case of Mr. J is a detective-comedy centered around fund manager Seung-pil Jeong Beom-su Lee. Seung-pil Jeong manages some 50 billion wons in assets and suddenly disappears one day. His fiance Mi-seon Gyu-ri Kim reports Seung-pil missing to the police. An overly aggressive detective named Inspector Kim Chang-min Son then suspects Mi-seon Gyu-ri Kim as the likely...