The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.Country: United States
Genre: Thriller
A scientist-turned-wall street tycoon becomes the target of a plot to destroy the worlds financial...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Ecchi
When Keyaru acquired his powers as a Hero who specialized in healing all injuries regardless of severity it seemed that he would walk the path to a great future. But what awaited him instead was great agony; he was subjected to years of seemingly endless hellish torture and abuse. Keyarus healing skills allowed him to secretly collect the memories and abilities of those he treated gradually...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Da Wang Rao Ming is that Chinese donghua where the opening gets more popularity than the actual show. My review is a realistic experience of the show and not some distorted viewpoint based on reputation or abstract visuals.Lu Shu an orphan abandoned by his Mother grew up in poverty with an adopted little sister Lu Xiaoyu struggling to gather money for their tuition. However it all changes when...
Country: Philippines, France, Singapore, Indonesia, Germany, Qatar
Genre: Drama
In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines a young man is searching for a missing significant other as other storm...
Country: United Kingdom, Finland
Genre: Short, Comedy, Drama
Christmas Eve. An enormous explosion tears through Lapland. Santa and his elf Anthony have crash-landed in the middle of nowhere on their busiest...
Genre: Animation Family
Queen Bee is making a movie with her big sister Royal Bee. But the big premiere is happening tonight. Will the crew finish their movie in time? Find out in this one-of-a-kind fantasy action spooky and sci-fi western...