

Genres: Drama

Country: Italy, France, Colombia

Director: Francesco Rosi

Duration: 109 min

Year: 1987

Actors: Rupert Everett, Ornella Muti, Gian Maria Volontè

In a small village in Latin America Santiago Nasar is killed in the morning which surprises nobody. The Vicario brothers were openly declaring they would kill him to regain the lost honor of their young sister Angela. Its the...


Genres: Short, Horror

Country: Colombia

Director: Gerard Nogueira

Duration: 17 min

Year: 2022

Actors: Conrado Osorio, Moisés Parra



Genres: Crime

Country: Colombia

Director: Jacques Toulemonde Vidal

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Ernesto Benjumea, Nelson Camayo, Camilo Colmenares



Genres: Documentary, Adventure, Biography

Country: United States, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru

Director: Jeff Alulis, Ryan Harlin

Duration: 103 min

Year: 2015

Actors: Aaron Abeyta, Fat Mike, NOFX

Punk legends NOFX travel all over South America as they attempt to make up several canceled shows from a previous world tour. Their success at keeping their word to their fans depends on their success at navigating drunken...


Genres: Drama

Country: Colombia, Sweden, Qatar, Germany

Director: Simón Mesa Soto

Duration: 95 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Sandra Melissa Torres, Diego Alejandro Tobón, Luciana Gallego

In 1998 single mother Amparo races to save her teenage son after is he drafted and deployed by the Colombian...


Genres: Drama

Country: Colombia, Spain

Director: Víctor Gaviria

Duration: 108 min

Year: 2004

Actors: Juan Carlos Uribe, Fabio Restrepo, Fredy York Monsalve

During the 1980s in Medellín Santiago an engineer gets involved in drug traffic to make a quick...


Genres: Drama, Family, Romance

Country: Colombia

Director: Augusto Sandino

Duration: 91 min

Year: 2015

Actors: Gustavo Angarita, Camila Ariza, Alberto Cardeño

Gentle Breath portrays a current family in the city longing for a better...


Genres: Thriller

Country: Colombia

Director: Andres Beltran

Duration: 86 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Andrés Castañeda, Sebastian Eslava, Carolina Gaitan

Follows a married couple almost divorcing who become trapped in quicksand while hiking through a rainforest in Colombia. They will battle the elements of the jungle and must work together in order to...


Genres: Comedy

Country: Colombia

Director: Ángel Ayllón

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2020

Actors: Oscar Mauricio Rodriguez, Alex Campos, Ana María Estupiñán

The most difficult thing about having two women is when they force you to choose which one you prefer. Juan David thought that his life was On Wheels until his decision turned upside-down the gentle caresses of Catalina his...


Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: Colombia

Director: Juan Felipe Orozco

Duration: N/A

Year: 2023

Actors: Andrés Parra, Aria Jara, Juan Pablo Urrego



Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Country: Spain, Colombia

Director: Hatem Khraiche

Duration: 95 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Clara Lago, Álex González, Andrés Parra

Helena has lived on a spaceship since birth 20 years ago. She meets her first human besides her dead parents when Álex repairs the oxygen supply. Things are not what they...


Genres: Drama

Country: Colombia

Director: Víctor Gaviria

Duration: 120 min

Year: 2016

Actors: Natalia Polo, Tito Alexander Gomez, Jesús Vásquez

Amparo flees the convent and lands in a marginal neighborhood at her sisters house. Cousin Libardo becomes infatuated with Amparo forcing her to live under his roof; the Animals family witness to her captivity. The community...


Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Country: Colombia, Mexico, Spain

Director: Libia Stella Gómez

Duration: 97 min

Year: 2005

Actors: Edgardo Román, Dolores Heredia, Rolf Abderhalden

In 1945 in the Train Station of Bogota Colombia a dead girl is found in a trunk. The case is assigned to Detective Mariano Corzo and he has to deal with the yellow journalist Hipólito Mosquera meanwhile he solves the mystery...


Genres: Comedy, Drama

Country: Colombia, Brazil

Director: José Luis Rugeles

Duration: 97 min

Year: 2010

Actors: Damián Alcázar, Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Fabio Restrepo

Garcia has managed to accomplish his wedding promise to his wife Amalia: buy her a wretched farm outside the city which is far from his wifes dream. But life turns unexpectedly as he arrives home and finds Amalia...


Genres: N/A

Country: Colombia

Director: Harold Trompetero

Duration: 98 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Ana María Arango, Julian Caicedo, Diego Camargo

Elizabeth and Juan Felipe are around 40 years old and have been dating for 15 years. Juan Felipe feels that he is getting old and that it is time to have children and start a family but Elizabeth wants to continue her...


Genres: Adventure, Drama, Mystery

Country: Mexico, France, Colombia

Director: Yulene Olaizola

Duration: 96 min

Year: 2020

Actors: Indira Rubie Andrewin, Gilberto Barraza, Mariano Tun Xool

To escape an arranged marriage a woman flees into the depths of the Mayan jungle where untamed nature merges the human and the...


Genres: Documentary, Biography

Country: Chile, Colombia

Director: Joanna Reposi Garibaldi

Duration: 96 min

Year: 2019

Actors: Pedro Lemebel

Writer Visual Artist and pioneer of the Queer movement in Latin America Pedro Lemebel shook up conservative Chilean society during Pinochets dictatorship in the 1980s. Body blood and fire were protagonists in his work that he...


Genres: Documentary

Country: United States, Colombia

Director: Carlos Moreno, Lilia Luciano

Duration: 71 min

Year: 2016

Actors: Jorgan Andrews, Pedro Arenas, Pedro José Arenas

From the land of narco-violence to the land of displaced persons. The documentary Guerras Ajenas Wars of Others explores the consequences of the war on drugs in Colombia and one of its main tools: aerial...


Genres: Comedy

Country: Colombia

Director: Julian Gaviria

Duration: 63 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Yedison Flores

With his very peculiar style Lokillo Florez speaks that due to the pandemic everything we were used to has...


Genres: Horror

Country: Colombia

Director: David Bohorquez

Duration: 88 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Francisca Estevez, Fiona Horsey, Marvens Passiano

A young American nurse finds herself haunted by childhood trauma when she is employed at a remote house to care for a sinister old...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Colombia

Director: Viviana Gómez Echeverry, Anton Wenzel

Duration: 92 min

Year: 2020

Actors: Martha Lidia Coral, Camilo Jojoa, Juan Pablo Jojoa

Camilo is the adopted son of an indigenous couple of the Quillasinga tribe. He is the only black man in his community and has always felt different. That is why he embarks on a journey in search of his origins. With the truth...


Genres: Drama, Romance

Country: Colombia, United States, Kosovo

Director: Ruth Caudeli, Maud Lazzerini, More Raca

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Albulena Bardhi, Luna Baxter, Kaya Blocksage

An anthology of short films from female filmmakers about lesbian and LGBTQIA+...


Genres: Comedy

Country: Colombia

Director: Julian Gaviria

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Adelaida Buscato, Jessica Cediel, Conny Fernandez



Genres: Drama, Mystery

Country: France, Colombia, Brazil

Director: Camilo Restrepo

Duration: 70 min

Year: 2020

Actors: Fernando Úsaga Higuíta, Luis Felipe Lozano

A man comes to terms with his past after satiating his greatest desire: assassinating the leader of the sect of which he was a part for many...


Genres: Comedy

Country: Colombia

Director: Dago García, Jhonny Hendrix

Duration: 103 min

Year: 2022

Actors: Andrés Cepeda, Ramsés Ramos, Indhira Serrano

A group of Colombians from different social backgrounds began work in a gospel choir for a prominent...


Genres: N/A

Country: Colombia

Director: José Luis Rugeles

Duration: 105 min

Year: 2022

Actors: Angie Cepeda, Jhon Narváez, Martín Seefeld

La película retrata a un vulnerable y anónimo Joe Arroyo quizás el cantante colombiano de salsa más importante de la historia en su viaje claustrofóbico por diferentes momentos de su vida. Un genio musical cantante y...


Genres: Short, Horror, Mystery

Country: United States, Colombia

Director: Michael Arcos

Duration: 9 min

Year: 2019

Actors: Catherine Caldwell, Monika Leska

A young jaguar goes on a killing spree when he escapes from his enclosure at a zoo. After hes captured sedated and relocated he makes a video diary for his significant other...


Genres: Documentary, History

Country: Colombia

Director: Federico Atehortúa Arteaga

Duration: 83 min

Year: 2019

Actors: Aracelly Arteaga, Carlos Atehortúa

While a director makes a film about this the origins of Cinema in Colombia suddenly his mother apparently suffers a strange mental disease: without explanation she stops talking. This situation forces him to stop his film and...


Genres: Drama

Country: Colombia

Director: Ruth Caudeli

Duration: 89 min

Year: 2018

Actors: Alejandra Lara, Silvia Santamaría, Roberto Cano

Eva and Candela face the end of their relationship. They met and fell in love but what brought them together would separate them. Their professional dreams would become their...

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