

Genres: Comedy

Country: Romania

Director: N/A

Duration: N/A

Year: 2024

Actors: Cosmin Nedelcu, Adrian Nicolae, Serban Pavlu

A bartender-combiner urgently needs to pay off a debt. He persuades his brother a fiery bouncer to arrange a bachelor party together without the knowledge of the owners of the club where he...


Genres: Comedy

Country: United Kingdom, Romania

Director: Cristina Jacob

Duration: N/A

Year: 2023

Actors: Giorgia Sinicorni, Nigel Whitmey, Stacy Thunes



Genres: Talk-Show

Country: Romania

Director: N/A

Duration: N/A

Year: 2023

Actors: N/A



Genres: Comedy, Fantasy

Country: Canada, Romania

Director: Victoria Muspratt

Duration: 90 min

Year: 1999

Actors: A.J. Cook, Craig Olejnik, Lexa Doig, Aimée Castle

Captivating tale of a young girl who discovers her magical powers at the age of 17. What does she do with said powers? Lets just say that sex is always on her...


Genres: Comedy

Country: Romania

Director: Jesús del Cerro

Duration: N/A

Year: 2023

Actors: Danny Trejo, Matei Dima, Charlotte McKinney

Piciu and Bila seize an unexpected opportunity from a Romanian client and move to Los Angeles. But they soon realize that they have unwittingly fallen into the world of the credit card rip-off...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Romania, France, Belgium

Director: Alexandru Solomon

Duration: 80 min

Year: 2010

Actors: George Becali, George Copos, Dan Diaconescu

An imaginary return of dictator Ceausescu after 20 years of capitalism in his country Romania where he finds a new society but also old habits in the countrys...


Genres: Drama

Country: Romania

Director: Constantin Popescu

Duration: 97 min

Year: 2010

Actors: Vlad Ivanov, Constantin Dita, Crina Muresan

Velicanu considers himself a fulfilled person. Hes got money a new villa married a younger woman and has a son from a previous marriage. Before the holidays he has to leave everything in order but things start to get...


Genres: Drama, Thriller, War

Country: Romania, Hungary

Director: Tudor Giurgiu

Duration: 109 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Alex Calangiu, Catalin Herlo, Ionut Caras

In the chaotic days of the December 1989 revolution that overthrew the Communist regime the Transylvanian city of Sibiu becomes the scene of a violent assault on a Police unit that quickly escalates into a bloody confrontation...


Genres: Comedy

Country: Romania

Director: Geo Saizescu

Duration: 108 min

Year: 1967

Actors: Sebastian Papaiani, Mariella Petrescu, Anna Széles



Genres: Drama, Romance

Country: Romania

Director: Geo Saizescu

Duration: 100 min

Year: 2012

Actors: Maia Morgenstern, Mircea Rusu, Georgiana Saizescu



Genres: Horror

Country: United States, Romania

Director: Patrick Lussier

Duration: 86 min

Year: 2005

Actors: Jason Scott Lee, Stephen Billington, Diane Neal, Jason London

In the near future Uffizi and Luke travel to the remote reaches of war torn Romania to rescue Elizabeth and finish the vampire once and for all. Along the way they encounter TV news journalist and a corps of rebels trying to fight the vampire uprising which plagues their...


Genres: Action, Comedy, Romance

Country: Romania

Director: Igor Cobileanski

Duration: N/A

Year: 2023

Actors: Sergiu Costache, Gabriel Costin, Cristian Iacob



Genres: Comedy

Country: Romania

Director: Cristian Ilisuan

Duration: 96 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Adriana Bailescu, Diana Buluga, Dan Chiorean

Mircea hates weddings. Everyone finds out when after attending yet another wedding out of obligation he makes a controversial Facebook post that goes...


Genres: Horror, Romance

Country: Spain, Romania

Director: Antonio Méndez Esparza

Duration: 122 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Malena Alterio, Manuel de Blas

A womans life takes a definitive turn the day that she loses her job as a computer...


Genres: Drama

Country: Belgium, Romania, Mexico

Director: Teodora Mihai

Duration: 140 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Arcelia Ramírez, Álvaro Guerrero, Ayelén Muzo

Story of Cielo a mother whose teenage daughter is kidnapped in Northern Mexico. When the authorities offer no support in the search Cielo takes matters into her own hands and transforms from housewife into a vengeful...


Genres: Crime, Drama, Music

Country: France, Romania

Director: Henri Colpi

Duration: 98 min

Year: 1963

Actors: Alexandru Virgil Platon, Razvan Petrescu, Françoise Brion

An ex-convict struggles to survive by brute force alone in a turn-of-the-century slum in Braila. Codine Alexandre Virgil Platon is the thug who served 10 years for murdering a friend. He returns home to his miserly mother...


Genres: Mystery, Sci-Fi

Country: Romania

Director: Octavian Repede

Duration: N/A

Year: 2022

Actors: Octavian Repede, Monte van Vleet

In 1992 the retired astronaut commander William Florescu relocates on shores of the Black Sea where he revisits his spatial experience from January 1962 when he took part to the manned pioneer U.S. Genesis 1491 Space...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Romania, Qatar, Iran, Croatia

Director: Vlad Petri

Duration: 69 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Ilinca Harnut, Victoria Stoiciu

Two women separated by political revolutions find connection through letters defying distance and...


Genres: Comedy, History, War

Country: France, Romania

Director: René Clair

Duration: 90 min

Year: 1965

Actors: Jean-Pierre Cassel, Philippe Avron, Marie Dubois

In the 18th century as the army of Prince De Beaulieu lays siege on the fortress of Marechal DAllenberg a young princess sends a soldier out of the fortress to go find her...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Romania

Director: Sebastian Mihailescu

Duration: 101 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Mihai Chirila, Denis Duma, Florin Zhang

Young people are auditioning for the role of Nicolae Ceausescu in the mid-1930s without any preconceived ideas. The result is a portrait of this young generation a glimpse of Romanias Communist leaders...


Genres: Action, Adventure, Horror

Country: United States, Romania

Director: Don E. FauntLeRoy

Duration: 91 min

Year: 2008

Actors: David Hasselhoff, Crystal Allen, Ryan McCluskey

A mercenary-for-hire accepts a mission from a billionaire to capture a dangerous snake that could possibly help cure a terminal...


Genres: Adventure, Drama, Western

Country: Spain, Morocco, France, Romania, Qatar

Director: Óliver Laxe

Duration: 96 min

Year: 2016

Actors: Ahmed Hammoud, Shakib Ben Omar, Said Aagli

A dying Sheikh travels across the Moroccan Atlas in a caravan escorted by two...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Romania

Director: Daniel Barnuti, Alexandra Lizeta Barnuti

Duration: 71 min

Year: 2023

Actors: N/A



Genres: Comedy

Country: Romania

Director: Sergiu Nicolaescu

Duration: 88 min

Year: 1979

Actors: Amza Pellea, Draga Olteanu Matei, Jean Constantin

A Romanian peasant visiting a friend who is working at a hotel on the Black Sea Riviera is mistaken for a look-alike rich American...


Genres: Short, Drama

Country: Romania

Director: Bogdan Naumovici

Duration: 27 min

Year: 2020

Actors: Mihai Calin, Astilean Dan, Gavril Patru

The film is portraying a story based on real events that happened in Zimnicea Romania on March 4 1977 the day of the great earthquake. Everybody knew that 80% of the city was destroyed on that day. 40 years later they learn...


Genres: Drama

Country: Romania, Poland, Germany

Director: Sebastian Mihailescu

Duration: 88 min

Year: 2023

Actors: István Téglás, Mãlina Manovici, Denisa Nicolae

A surreal trip through the crisis of...


Genres: Drama, War

Country: Greece, France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Romania, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Director: Theodoros Angelopoulos

Duration: 176 min

Year: 1995

Actors: Harvey Keitel, Maia Morgenstern, Erland Josephson

An exiled filmmaker finally returns to his home country where former mysteries and afflictions of his early life come back to haunt him once...


Genres: Comedy, Romance

Country: United States, Romania

Director: Mort Nathan

Duration: 97 min

Year: 2006

Actors: Kal Penn, Lauren Cohan, Daniel Percival

Taj Mahal Badalandabad leaves Coolidge College behind for the halls of Camford University in England where he looks to continue his education and teach an uptight student how to make the most out of her academic...


Genres: Action, Biography, Drama

Country: Romania, France, Italy

Director: Sergiu Nicolaescu

Duration: 203 min

Year: 1971

Actors: Amza Pellea, Ion Besoiu, Olga Tudorache

At the end of the 16th century Wallachian ruler Prince Michael the Brave overcame the adversity of the Ottoman and Austrian Empires to unite Wallachia Moldavia and Transylvania into one...

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