Movies In 2017


Genres: Action, Sci-Fi

Country: United States

Director: Bret McCormick

Duration: 81 min

Year: 2017

Actors: TJ Myers, Sky Callahan, Robert F. Cawley

A deadly cybernetic organism wreaking havoc on America with the intent of detonating a nuclear device in Washington...


Genres: Short, Drama, Horror

Country: Australia

Director: Mia Kate Russell

Duration: 8 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Amy Bradney-George, Sophia Davey, Christopher Kirby

Some horrors you create...

EP 52


Genres: Adventure, Comedy

Country: japan


Duration: 52 Episodes

Year: 2017


The Bear Brothers Briar and Bramble are back in a whole new adventure! This time the logger Vick has finally decided to hang up his chainsaw for good and to do something to help the forest instead. When the new girl Carly shows up in town Vick agrees to be her tour guide and help her on a quest to find her lost friend Kitty who happens to be a Siberian...


Genres: Romance

Country: United States

Director: Jake Helgren

Duration: 85 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Andrea Bowen, Nick Bateman, Brooke Butler

When family conflicts arise between happy couple Hallie and Lucas during the week before their big day their plans for a breezy wedding in the tropics take a turn and their love is tested when they are forced to put on a...


Genres: Biography, Crime, Drama

Country: Italy, Philippines, Austria, France, Hong Kong, Spain

Director: Ruben Maria Soriquez

Duration: 71 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Lanie Martin Gumarang, Red Ibasco, Michael Soriquez Rommel

Shot without crew in a span of 10 years in six different countries its a silent film the main cast of which is the director himself his real wife and his real son. Shooting started when the directors son wasnt born...


Genres: Animation, Short, Horror

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Robert Morgan

Duration: 5 min

Year: 2017

Actors: N/A

Belial the deformed conjoined twin from the Basket Case series has a strange...


Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Country: United States

Director: Mark Polonia

Duration: 75 min

Year: 2017

Actors: James Carolus, Marie DeLorenzo, Steve Diasparra

Earth has become the Apes playground and humans are used for labor and sport. Mankinds last stand will come from Rebel Freedom Fighters. The cage door opens and the revolt begins in this exciting sequel to Empire of the Apes....


Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: France

Director: Jérôme Reybaud

Duration: 137 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Pascal Cervo, Arthur Igual, Fabienne Babe

A man leaves his home unannounced and spends four days wandering around...


Genres: Short, Comedy, Drama

Country: United States

Director: Karen Maine

Duration: 11 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Natalia Dyer, John Doherty, Joe Reece

A good Catholic fifteen-year-old girl finds herself having tempting thoughts after an innocent AOL chat turns unexpectedly...


Genres: Short, Action

Country: UK

Director: Steve Bannister, Philip Lee Deighton Maw

Duration: 13 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Jerry Anderson, Hannah Atwood, Keith How, Philip Lee Deighton Maw

Malcolm and The Magpies is British Comedy based around a bunch of good hearted bank robbers. Malcolm a store manager is a disapointment to his family as he has failed to follow in his...


Genres: Drama, Romance

Country: Ukraine

Director: Marina Stepanska

Duration: 105 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Christian Borys, Oleh Mosiichuk, Daria Plakhtii

FALLING is a story about the post-revolutionary generation of young Ukrainian people looking for their place in a modern Ukraine. It follows two bewildered people who meet at a crucial moment of their existence and experience few...


Genres: Action, Comedy, Horror

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Andy Edwards

Duration: 99 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Marciah Vales, Matt King, Seb Castang

A group of young people head to Ibiza for the holiday of a lifetime - all the sun sea and sex they can handle. If only there wasnt a zombie outbreak getting in the...


Genres: Short, Horror

Country: United States

Director: Catherine Hardwicke, Theodore Melfi, Sam Raimi

Duration: 17 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Anthony Conti, J.K. Simmons, Laura Dern

The Black Ghiandola is a story about a young man risking his life to save a young girl he has grown to love after his family has been killed in the Apocalyptic world of...


Genres: Short, Comedy, Horror

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Kate Herron

Duration: 5 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Katharine Bennett-Fox, Sophia Di Martino, Mariam Haque

Chloe thinks shes just going in for a routine test. Things do not go as...


Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: Japan

Director: Minoru Mizoguchi

Duration: 104 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Kanta Satô, Reina Visa, Takanori Jinnai

Naoki and Kotoko enter the same university. Naoki majors in science and technology while Kotoko majors in literature. A beautiful student Yuko Matsumoto appears in front of Naoki. Kotoko is shaken by her new rival in...


Genres: Documentary, Short

Country: United Kingdom

Director: N/A

Duration: 10 min

Year: 2017

Actors: N/A

Is there more to this plant than we think? Why is this plant illegal? What is the history of this plants path to prohibition? Learn about the wonders of the marijuana/hemp plant in this wonderfully narrated short...


Genres: Short, Drama

Country: United States

Director: Reed Van Dyk

Duration: 21 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Shinelle Azoroh, John Brockus, Michael Brown

Inspired by an actual 911 call placed during a school shooting incident in Atlanta...


Genres: Drama, Western

Country: Mexico

Director: Arturo Ripstein

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Marga López, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos, Enrique Rocha

After serving his conviction a former gunman returns to his town planning to live a quiet life however the sons of a man he killed have other...


Genres: Short, Crime, Horror

Country: United States

Director: Izzy Lee

Duration: 5 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Silvia Graziano, Michael Thurber, Stee McMorris

A trio of nuns take matters into their own hands when a priest commits a terrible...


Genres: Documentary

Country: USA

Director: Philip Gardiner

Duration: 67 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Paul Hughes, Razor Keeves

Nostradamus predicted the rise of Hitler the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and 9/11. New research reveals further predictions that indicate more peril is on the...


Genres: Short, Drama

Country: Netherlands

Director: Maarten Groen

Duration: 11 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Hans Dagelet, Bo Maerten, Egbert Jan Weeber

When the life of charismatic Salvatore Luciano who lives out his days in a nursing home is made difficult by a crude nurse a secret arises from his dark...

EP 8


Genres: Drama, History

Country: United States

Director: Dallas Jenkins

Duration: 8 Episodes

Year: 2017

Actors: Jordan Walker Ross, Elizabeth Tabish, Shahar Isaac

The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel the series shares an authentic look at Jesus revolutionary life and...


Genres: Horror

Country: United States

Director: Max Groah

Duration: 81 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Tiffany Kiely, Eric Boso, Daniel Alan Kiely

A group of friends and zombie movie buffs have their life long dream come true. As their provisions run low reality begins to set in and they realize that the zombie apocalypse isnt all its cracked up to...


Genres: Documentary

Country: United States

Director: Glenn Holsten

Duration: 59 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Jim Conroy, David Morse

FLOWING WATER tells the story of the revitalization of the Longwood Gardens Main Fountain Garden - a lavish jewel in the crown of one of the greatest collections of fountains in the United...


Genres: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Country: United States

Director: Aaron Martinez

Duration: 108 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Nathan Martinez, Jordan Tanner, Luke Fowler

An apocalyptic survivor searches for his daughter in the Terlingua desert while two caseworkers holed up in a bunker watch and record his every...


Genres: Drama

Country: United States

Director: David Nguyen

Duration: 85 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Art Stroman, Drake Malone, Timeca M. Seretti

A Ponzi scheme turns out bad as an Army sergeant and his buddies try to make it rich by outsmarting the government the law and their own...


Genres: Short, Horror

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Carl Shanahan

Duration: 8 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Kris Fisher, Joe Hancock, Muirenn Brady

A man deals with a horrifying...


Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy

Country: United States

Director: Barry Hunt

Duration: 105 min

Year: 2017

Actors: Lorraine Bahr, Aundre Barnes, Elisha

The Further Adventures of Anse and Bhule is a post-apocalyptic love story following a cult of men as they discover women from a dueling tribe shattering and transforming each others fears beliefs and cultures...

EP 10


Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance

Country: Japan



Year: 2017



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