The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.Country: United States
Genre: Short, Horror, Thriller
Roland is on his way to see his girlfriend but a mysterious skeleton continues to stalk him along the...
Country: Iceland
Genre: Short, Drama
Young couple Anna and Gunnar live in a society in which people are assigned a new spouse in a lottery every seven years. Full of heartache the couple lives their biggest nightmare in face of life with a new...
Country: Ireland
Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Trains romance a mysterious past. Michael Poole Sir John Hurt is an ex-conman whose cons have finally caught up with him. Unaware of his past Alice Brenda Blethyn joins him in a dramatic escape on the Orient...
Genre: Short Sci-Fi
This 3D animated short film in the Afrofuturist genre explores the topics of AI and bias. In a distant future an artificial intelligence named Aero is inaugurated as the world’s first AI ruler. But Aero soon learns that important worldviews are missing from her databank including the experiences of the historically marginalized and oppressed. A slate of well-known B…Read...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Documentary
Two princesses Elizabeth and Margaret sharing their lives as equals. Blissfully unaware of the decision their uncle would make that would set a new course for them both and change the entire shape of British history. Despite...
Genre: Biography
1926 Britain was a very different place almost unrecognisable in fact. King George The Fifth was on the throne and Britain was still recovering from the horrors of the Great War World War 1. On April 21st 1926 the future Queen was born. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. Her father the Duke of York later King George VI was the second son of the King. Her mother the Duchess of York later Queen...
Genre: Biography
Charles Prince of Wales. Unlike his mother Queen Elizabeth II Charles always knew he would one day become King. Becoming heir apparent at just three years old Charles has become the oldest and longest serving heir apparent in British history as well as the longest serving Prince of Wales having held the title since 1958. In his own way he has defined the role o…Read...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Documentary
Prince Charles and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall. Their love story was not one without challenges. Marrying 35 years after they first met they have become a widely accepted couple having faced years of scandal tormented by the...