

Genres: Crime, Drama

Country: China

Director: Yu Li

Duration: 120 min

Year: 2022

Actors: Sichun Ma, Karry Wang, Wei Fan

When a human skeleton is discovered after a bridge collapse a murder case from years ago is revealed. The daughter of the deceased Wen Xiaoyu is assisted by a boy Meng Chao in her quest to trace the cause of her fathers...

EP 12


Genres: Comedy, Life, Family, Sitcom

Country: China


Duration: 40 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Meng He Tang, Zhou Jiu Liang, Luan Yun Ping, Wang Jiu Long


EP 27


Genres: Historical, War

Country: China


Duration: 33 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Tang Guo Qiang


EP 18


Genres: Comedy, Fantasy

Country: China


Duration: 18 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Tu Dou, Lu Yan


EP 12


Genres: Romance, Drama

Country: China


Duration: 15 Episodes

Year: 2023

Actors: Guo Jia Yu, Huang Xin


EP 19


Genres: Business, Drama

Country: China

Director: Teng Hua Tao

Duration: 40 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Bai Yu Fan,Yu He Wei, Xia Meng, Long Ni

Its the graduation season again in Shanghais Lujiazui Financial City. Tao Wu Ji a young man from a small town was admitted to the Pudong branch of a bank. He started as a teller at the lowest level. Tao Wu Ji was diligent and determined to make progress relying on his own abilities and emotional intelligence. He stood out and was selected by Zhao Hui vice president of the branch to be...


Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Country: China

Director: Suiqiang Huo

Duration: 113 min

Year: 2020

Actors: Wang Luojia, Marina Li, Tao Cheng

Plagued by bulling from the Lu family Lin Dong decides to enter the competition in Qingyang...

EP 26


Genres: Mystery, Drama, Medical

Country: China

Director: Qiu Zhong Wei

Duration: 28 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Vin Zhang, Dai Xu

Zhen Ren is a surgeon who succeeded in achieving his fathers dying wish. With the help of ER director Pan he joined Haicheng Hospital and took steps forward to save a patient during a Whipple procedure. Zheng Ren devoted everything to being a doctor and his skills caught the attention of genius doctor Su Yun who began to study Zheng Rens methods. Su Yun comes to accept and admire Zheng...

EP 30


Genres: Romance, Wuxia, Fantasy

Country: China

Director: Yang Long

Duration: 40 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: He Yu, Yang Yu Tong, Xu Hao, Li Chuan

Li Xiao Yao a young inn attendant who dreams of becoming a great hero accidentally meets Zhao Ling Er a descendant of the goddess Nuwa. Together they embark on a quest to find the Water Spiritual Bead which can end the drought plaguing the land. Along the way they befriend the bickering partner Lin Yue Ru and the scholarly Liu Jin Yuan among other like-minded companions. They face...

EP 24


Genres: Business, Drama

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Yuan Fufu, Sun Jian Qi

Business genius Xu Yun Long is highly regarded within the group arousing intense jealousy from Zhang Feng the son of the chairman. For a smooth succession to power Zhang Feng seduces Xu Yun Longs wife to cheat on Xu. Then they set up a scheme to ruin Xus reputation together and subject him to various torments before tossing him into the river. However justice has long arms which allows...

EP 18


Genres: Historical, Romance

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Hei Ze, Wu Si Yu


EP 12


Genres: Romance, Drama, Family

Country: China


Duration: 20 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Xu Bing Chao, Xiao Yu


EP 20


Genres: Romance, Life, Drama, ...

Country: China

Director: Tian Yu, Wang Cheng Xin

Duration: 37 Episode

Year: 2024

Actors: Yang Zi, Xu Kai

Mai Cheng Huan a girl born into an ordinary family in Shanghai in the 1990s is urged by her mother Liu Wan Yu to discuss marriage with her boyfriend Xin Jia Liang. However the affluent economic conditions of Xins family upset the originally equal emotional relationship. At the same time Mais mothers excessive interference in her daughters lifelong affairs accelerates the breakup...

EP 11


Genres: Animation, Action, Comedy

Country: China, Thailand, South Korea

Director: N/A

Duration: N/A

Year: 2023

Actors: Marc Thompson, Barrett Leddy, Samantha Cooper

Heroes can pop out of their comic books when summoned in this comedic...

EP 39


Genres: Romance, Wuxia, Drama, Fantasy

Country: China

Director: Deng Ke

Duration: 39 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Zhao Li Ying, Lin Geng Xin

On Chinese New Years Eve Shen Li is ordered by the Immortal Lord to return to the palace where she must fulfil an alliance marriage to a member of the Divine Clan. This concerns the peace of both realms who have been at war for a long time. She refuses to marry her fiancé who has a bad reputation as a playboy and while the guards give chase she is wounded and falls into the mortal...

EP 32


Genres: Family

Country: China


Duration: 32 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Jiao Jun Yan, Luo Jin

Tong Xiao Qi and Li Wen Yu shocked their families and friends when they got married after dating less than 33 days. None as much as Tongs controlling mother. In order to stay together and protect their independence the newly wed battled his mothers interference by borrowing tactics straight out ancient Chinese war book Thirty-Six Stratagems. Edit...

EP 24


Genres: Drama

Country: China


Duration: 15 Episodes

Year: 2024


The silly little white rabbit with a love brain is confused and lost all day long. She has a strong ability to empathize. It has been several years since she graduated but she is still full of pink bubble fantasies about...


Genres: Adventure, Fantasy

Country: China

Director: Ling Xue Zi Ping Yuanchun Wang

Duration: 89 min

Year: 2018

Actors: Shujun Chen, Zhengyu Jia, Zidi Meng

Yang Jinghua loses his life when he ran into a fight between ghost hunter Duanmu Xi and a ghost in red dress his spirit is forced to follow Duanmu Xi after his death. During the ghost hunting Yang accidentally hurts Duanmu Xi and realizes that his death isn’t an accident…his sacrifice is a way to save the world from the occupation of...

EP 24


Genres: Romance, Drama

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Gan Wang Xing, Li Jia Jie

In order to pursue the male idol flight attendant Lear Wang Hai Xian came to the airline to interview as a flight attendant. The company hired a group of actors and actresses to play passengers to train the newcomers adaptability. During the training process Wang Hai Xian gradually realized the charm of the flight attendant profession and worked with his partners to solve various difficult...

EP 17


Genres: Thriller, Romance, Sci-Fi

Country: China


Duration: 17 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Fan Xiao Dong, Zhu Jia Qian, Jiang Wu Han

An ordinary urban girl who has lost part of her memory meets a wealthy handsome and considerate CEO. From thinking that she has encountered a pig-killing plate to devoting herself wholeheartedly she resolutely resigns and follows him to live in another city and in a big villa. Dream fairy tale days. One day she woke up and walked to the mirror and found that there was another face standing...

EP 24


Genres: Romance, Drama

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Qu Meng Ru, Li Zhuo Yang

Zhuang Xiao Man a beautiful and innocent village girl and Lin Xian a cold and arrogant CEO due to a secret engagement arranged years ago by their families the two become fiancé and fiancée. As they start living together in a farming life they unexpectedly stumble upon true love while navigating the ups and downs of their relationship. Their journey is filled with romance sweetness and...

EP 12


Genres: Romance

Country: China


Duration: 12 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Jia Wei Geng

Lin Yu Lu who has just entered the workplace took the place of a rich second-generation best friend to go on a blind date. Unexpectedly the blind date turned out to be the new boss of the company and with this misplaced identity she was already very worried. The other party actually asked her to play his...


Genres: Action

Country: China

Director: Kin Mo Yeung

Duration: N/A

Year: 2022

Actors: Norman Chu, Leni Lan Crazybarby, Xin Zer Tan


EP 39


Genres: Action, Historical, Drama, ...

Country: China

Director: Yao Xiao Feng

Duration: 38 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Wang Yi Bo, Li Qin, Wang Yang

Set in 1930s Shanghai Wei Ruo Lai an ordinary employee at the Kuomintang Central Bank rises through the ranks due to his exceptional abilities catching the attention of the senior advisor Shen Tu Nan. However as he confronts the corruption within the Kuomintangs financial realm his path diverges from Shen Tu Nans. A chance encounter with Shen Jin Zhen leads him to make different...

EP 25


Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Romance

Country: China


Duration: 25 Episodes

Year: 2023

Actors: Johnny Zhang, Zhao Yuan Yuan

Luo Wei Qi and her husband Meng Ying Chao have been married for seven years and their relationship has entered a bottleneck period. Facing the sharp contrast between her husband before and after Luo Wei Qi couldnt help but started to wonder if the person in front of her is the real...


Genres: Documentary

Country: China, United States

Director: Ben Mullinkosson

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2023

Actors: Tonglan Qiu

Bass-heavy and neon-coloured portrait of the alternative Chinese youth in a country in constant state of change that now threatens the underground club Funky...

EP 25


Genres: Romance, Fantasia

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2023



EP 22


Genres: Romance, Fantasy

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2024

Actors: Tu Zhi Ying, Cavan Wen


EP 24


Genres: Historical, Mystery, Comedy

Country: China


Duration: 24 Episodes

Year: 2023

Actors: Fang Xiao Dong, Yin Rui

Ye Ke Le an unlucky person operates a tea shop in Wanle City that his father left him. Unexpectedly he becomes entangled in a mysterious murder case involving a strange perfume. To assist in the investigation he becomes a patrol guard unintentionally turning into a spy. Bizarre events continue to occur and the clues become increasingly convoluted. He meets a Japanese girl named Ruo Ye...

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