The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.Country: United States
Genre: Action, Drama
Storyline: After failing to get into the police academy Chris Potamitis Liam Hemsworth settles for a security guard job with the EMPIRE STATE Armored Truck Company. Chris makes the mistake of mentioning the companys lax security to his best friend Eddie Michael Angarano and is soon unwittingly drawn into an elaborate scheme to rob the abundant amounts of cash being stored there -...
Country: United States, Germany
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance
Storyline: Set in contemporary New York City a seemingly ordinary teenager Clary Fray Lily Collins discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons. After the disappearance of her mother Lena Headey Clary must join forces with a group of Shadowhunters who introduce her to a...
Country: United States, France
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Storyline: The high stakes thriller Paranoia takes us deep behind the scenes of global success to a deadly world of greed and deception. The two most powerful tech billionaires in the world Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman are bitter rivals with a complicated past who will stop at nothing to destroy each other. A young superstar Liam Hemsworth seduced by unlimited wealth and power falls between...
Country: United States
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Storyline: In this retelling of Rick Riordans book The Sea of Monsters Percy Jackson accompanied by his friends Annabeth Chase Clarisse La Rue and Tyson his half brother goes on a journey to the Sea of Monsters to retrieve the Golden Fleece and save Camp...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: In 1971 Carolyn and Roger Perron move their family into a dilapidated Rhode Island farm house and soon strange things start happening around it with escalating nightmarish terror. In desperation Carolyn contacts the noted paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren to examine the house. What the Warrens discover is a whole area steeped in a satanic haunting that is now...
Country: United States, United Kingdom
Genre: Action, Adventure, War
Storyline: During WW2 a British aircraft is shot down and crashes in Nazi held territory. The Germans capture the only survivor an American General and take him to the nearest SS headquarters. Unknown to the Germans the General has full knowledge of the D-Day operation. The British decide that the General must not be allowed to divulge any details of the Normandy landing at all cost and order...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Storyline: Four middle-aged men decide to take a road trip from Cincinnati to the Pacific in order to get away from their lives which are leading them nowhere. Taking their motorcycles these Wild Hogs tear up the road and eventually stop in New Mexico for a drink not knowing that the bar belongs to the Del Fuegos a mean biker gang. When the Del Fuegos steal a bike that belongs to the Wild...