costa rica


Genres: Drama

Country: Belgium, France, Costa Rica

Director: Valentina Maurel

Duration: 102 min

Year: 2022

Actors: Daniela Marín Navarro, Reinaldo Amien, Vivian Rodriguez

Eva a 16-year-old girl lives with her mother her younger sister and their cat but wants to move in with her estranged father. Clinging onto him she tries to balance between the tenderness and sensitivity of teenage...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Costa Rica, India, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom

Director: James Reid, Pip Gilmour

Duration: 78 min

Year: 2017

Actors: N/A

From a Kenyan hospital to a rice paddy in India victims of venomous snakebites are the faces of death and disability caught in a global crisis the world knows little...


Genres: Documentary

Country: Costa Rica

Director: Andrés Bronnimann

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2020

Actors: N/A

THE UNIVERSALITY OF IT ALL focuses on human migration and inequality. It explains the complexity of human migration by providing valuable data and information but also by showing how it affects the reality of two...


Genres: Drama

Country: Costa Rica, West Germany

Director: Peter Lilienthal

Duration: 96 min

Year: 1980

Actors: Augustin Pereira, Carlos Catania, Maria Lourdes Centano de Zeleya



Genres: Drama

Country: Sweden, Costa Rica, Belgium, Germany, France, United States

Director: Nathalie Álvarez Mesén

Duration: 106 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Wendy Chinchilla Araya, Ana Julia Porras Espinoza, Daniel Castañeda Rincón

In a remote village in Costa Rica Clara a withdrawn 40-year-old woman experiences a sexual and mystical awakening as she begins a journey to free herself from the repressive religious and social conventions which have...


Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: Costa Rica, United States

Director: Hernán Jiménez

Duration: 87 min

Year: 2016

Actors: Hernán Jiménez, Noelia Castaño, Marina Glezer

Diego a hopeless romantic desperately trying to salvage his relationship with long time girlfriend Sofía plans a beach getaway to propose and clear the air. A chance encounter with Sofías old friend Malena will cast doubts...


Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Drama

Country: Costa Rica

Director: Jose Mario Salas Boza

Duration: 115 min

Year: 2021

Actors: Johanna Solano, Esteban Hidalgo, Gustavo Rojas

Tatiana Johanna Solano is a journalist with a routine life in all its aspects and a recent failed love relationship. Motivated by her best friend she decides to make a stop and travel around Costa Rica to find herself and inner...


Genres: Short

Country: Costa Rica

Director: Adrian Cicerone

Duration: 13 min

Year: 2018

Actors: Lya Battle, Marcela Castro

In the mountains of Costa Rica Lya Battle gives a second chance to over 1000 stray dogs at her sanctuary and hope for those who have yet to be found. This documentary is an intimate look into the lives and struggles of those involved with the sanctuary and the symbiotic relationship between humans and...


Genres: Documentary, Adventure

Country: Congo, Canada, Vanuatu, Turkey, Italy, Indonesia, Iceland, Guatemala, Costa Rica

Director: Peter Rowe

Duration: 80 min

Year: 2014

Actors: George Kourounis, Peter Rowe

An exploration of volcanoes around the world. Adventure Filmmaker Peter Rowe climbs and films 19 volcanoes around the world from Iceland to the Congo Italy to Indonesia Guatemala to...


Genres: Drama

Country: Costa Rica, Argentina, Chile, France

Director: Sofia Quiros

Duration: 82 min

Year: 2019

Actors: Smashleen Gutiérrez, Humberto Samuels, Hortensia Smith, Keha Brown

Selva 13 lives in a coastal town in the Caribbean. After the sudden disappearance of her only motherly figure she is left to take care of her grandfather who doesnt want to live....


Genres: Documentary, Adventure, Biography

Country: United States, Czech Republic, Israel, Romania, Egypt, Peru, Slovenia, Costa Rica, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain

Director: Bryce J. Lemon

Duration: 64 min

Year: 2011

Actors: Alyssa Lemon, Bryce J. Lemon

In April 2009 Bryce Lemon and his sister Alyssa departed on what they hoped would be a spiritual journey around the world. But what they found was more human and real. From the Maleku...


Genres: Documentary, Adventure

Country: United States, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, Tanzania

Director: Brooke Bierhaus

Duration: 85 min

Year: 2019

Actors: N/A

A story following the HEART of coffee and tea around the world as a universal means of connection. What started as a fascination with coffee turned into a journey revealing the beautiful...


Genres: Documentary

Country: United States, Costa Rica, Croatia, France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Director: Leila Conners

Duration: 88 min

Year: 2019

Actors: N/A

Can we reverse climate change? Ice on Fire explores the many ways we reduce carbon inputs to the atmosphere and more important how to draw carbon down bringing CO2 out of the...


Genres: Drama

Country: Costa Rica, Colombia

Director: Esteban Ramírez

Duration: 97 min

Year: 2015

Actors: Natalia Arias, Leynar Gomez, Alejandro Aguilar, Daniel Marin

A young girl gets involved in a family drama when she starts a secret friendship with a prison inmate. All parts involved inside and outside will have to deal with the consequences of...


Genres: Adventure, Crime, Thriller

Country: Costa Rica

Director: Percy Angress, Livia Linden

Duration: 101 min

Year: 2004

Actors: Ryan Barton-Grimley, Danielle Bisutti, Keith Brunsmann, Michelle Jones

Erotic Thriller 2004 A tropical vacation goes sordid when Corrine learns her husband is a crook whos plundered his...


Genres: Documentary, Adventure

Country: United States, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru

Director: Jonathan Ronzio

Duration: 61 min

Year: 2014

Actors: Ethan Lee, Jonathan Ronzio, Ryan Sarka

Between The Peaks is an expedition documentary that combines the spirits of adventure and volunteering. In 2013 three friends set out to climb Mt. Aconcagua in Argentina then travel...


Genres: Thriller

Country: United States, Japan, Argentina, Costa Rica

Director: Timothy A. Chey

Duration: 90 min

Year: 2015

Actors: Jah Shams, Mary Grace, Carman

A gritty international tale of four separate stories woven together by a common theme: the...



Country: Costa Rica, Colombia

Director: Hilda Hidalgo

Duration: 95 min

Year: 2009

Actors: Pablo Derqui, Eliza Triana, Jordi Dauder

Based on Gabriel García Márquezs novel this is the unsettling story of 13-year-old noble Sierva and the dog bite that changes her life forever. Abandoned displaced in the midst of a...

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