Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Mecha, Romance, School, Shounen Ai
Tokiha Mai and her sickly younger brother Takumi have received a scholarship to attend the prestigious Fuuka Academy. On the way the ferry they are travelling on becomes the site of a destructive battle between two girls wielding apparently supernatural powers. This is only the beginning of their troubles as Mai learns that she herself possesses these powers – the powers of a HiME. User...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Military, Sci-Fi
Shu is a typical Japanese boy but has an unbeatable optimistic and determined attitude. However when he sees a mysterious girl with strange eyes named Lala-Ru up on a smokestack he is soon pulled into a strange desert world. Shu soon discovers the true terrors of war which includes genocide brutal torture hunger thirst and child explotation. Now Shu is trying to save Lala-Ru as well as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Shoujo, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Natsume Yuujinchou is a light and cheerful anime adapted from the manga of the same name. Since he was young a teenage boy named Natsume Takashi has been able to see spirits but keeping this ability a secret has now become a heavy burden for him and has made his life difficult. This begins to change when Takashi inherits his grandmother’s “Book of Friends”. He discovers that she Natsume...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
A series of shorts about Tsuruya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya based on the format of the Nyor?n Churuya-san manga. Episodes mainly concern her search for smoked...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi
In 1889 the world is on the pinnicle of great discoveries in technology. In mankinds grasp for the future a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle obsessed with restoring the former Atlantean empire to the glory it once held begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia with the help of a young inventor Jean Ratlique and Captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus must fight to save the world...
Country: south korea
Genre: Comedy ; Romance
Sakura Tsugumi 28 years old. Nickname: Ofukou-san The Unfortunate One. Anyone who comes in contact with her will meet with bad luck too. With her sisters upcoming nuptials Tsugumi leaves home for Tokyo to find work but mostly to avoid anything bad happening to her beloved family in the celebrations. Tsugumi tells herself I will be happy! and in trying to make that come true she starts...
Country: south korea
Genre: Comedy
The Board of Audit’s Special Investigations Division punishes civil servants who cheat and waste the taxes paid by the hard-working people. The heroine Shinko is a daring character who doesnt get impressed by power and influence but mercilessly pursues the scoundrels. She who used to be a swindler and has a difficult personality gets scouted by the division and is paired up with the elite...
Country: south korea
Genre: Family, melodrama
A drama about a father who takes care of an eight year old girl who has child Alzheimer’s. A catastrophic illness can break people apart or bring them closer together. Yoo Geum Bi Heo Jung Eun is a spirited 8-year-old girl who suffers from Niemann-Pick Disease Type C NPC a rare genetic condition that makes her body unable to properly metabolize cholesterol and other lipids. The condition...