Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural, Thriller, Anime
The endless cycle of murders has been broken and Rika is finally able to settle down for a normal life with her friends. However she is involved in a traffic accident and wakes up in a world where everything is different. A world where no one commited the sins that shaped them into the persons they are. Its up to Rika to discover the truth behind this world and whether or not it truly is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mecha, Shounen, Supernatural, Anime
The series is set in the distant future in which the Earth is split in two. The southern hemisphere is placed in another dimension while the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere are able to morph into beast-like humanoids. Eventually the humans of the southern hemisphere led by Uranus attack the Beasts.The Three Beasts Wan Derbard Wan Dabadadatta of the Tiger Tribe Bud Mint Baado Mint...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Anime
A 9-year-old boy named Wataru Ikusabe is magically transported to a magical realm of the gods called Soukaizan which he is supposed to save. In his quest to save the realm he manages to transform a clay sculpture into a somewhat autonomous small Super...
Genre: Documentary, Reality-TV
Homes By The Sea presented by architectural designer Charlie Luxton explores the British dream of living beside the seaside. Today more than three million people across the country have made that ambition possible. Charlie embarks on a journey across Britain to visit some of the best homes by the sea. He will look at renovated cottages to new builds converted lighthouses and grand seafront...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
Chitose Fujinomiya former heiress and currently an orphan has been kicked out of her super elite school Tokai no Gakuen City Academy and shunned by her former friends. She is sent to a rural public school Inaka no Chugakko Country Jr. High School where even pigs oxen and chickens are students. The only possession she has left is a pink goldfish named Gyopi given to her by her beloved...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Anime
A story set in the mid-1800s about a young doctor who has been trained in Western-style medicine and a young samurai who is trying to live up to the old traditions of his class and culture. The story is actually based upon real people - the doctor Ryo-an was Tezukas great grandfather.During the Second Year of Ansei 1855 in Edos Koishigawa are two young men Manjiro Ibutani and Ryoan...