Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
At birth mages randomly acquire one of the four crests that represents the extent of their magical capability. Equipped with a crest specializing in creation a man named Gaius reached the ceiling of his potential becoming known as the worlds strongest sage. Despite his overwhelming power he is unsatisfied with his abilities and desires to possess the mark suitable for close combat. Knowing...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance, Slice of Life
High school student Wakana Gojou spends his days perfecting the art of making hina dolls hoping to eventually reach his grandfathers level of expertise. While his fellow teenagers busy themselves with pop culture Gojou finds bliss in sewing clothes for his dolls. Nonetheless he goes to great lengths to keep his unique hobby a secret as he believes that he would be ridiculed were it...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance, Slice of Life
High school student Wakana Gojou spends his days perfecting the art of making hina dolls hoping to eventually reach his grandfathers level of expertise. While his fellow teenagers busy themselves with pop culture Gojou finds bliss in sewing clothes for his dolls. Nonetheless he goes to great lengths to keep his unique hobby a secret as he believes that he would be ridiculed were it...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
After the sudden departure of a valuable friend the future of Team Blackout is now uncertain. Yu-yu Kondou and Megumi Ookura feel frustrated for failing to prevent the inevitable while the heavily involved Touya Ebata is trying his best to atone for past mistakes that led to this misfortune. But whatever they decide to do next the members of Team Blackout know that they will always find their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
After the sudden departure of a valuable friend the future of Team Blackout is now uncertain. Yu-yu Kondou and Megumi Ookura feel frustrated for failing to prevent the inevitable while the heavily involved Touya Ebata is trying his best to atone for past mistakes that led to this misfortune. But whatever they decide to do next the members of Team Blackout know that they will always find their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
At birth mages randomly acquire one of the four crests that represents the extent of their magical capability. Equipped with a crest specializing in creation a man named Gaius reached the ceiling of his potential becoming known as the worlds strongest sage. Despite his overwhelming power he is unsatisfied with his abilities and desires to possess the mark suitable for close combat. Knowing...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
As summer break comes to an end Nishikata is stoked to try out his newest pranks and finally outdo his classmate Takagi once and for all. Despite his losing streak he is slowly getting to know the unrelenting workings of her crafty mind. However he soon realizes that Takagis motivations behind her teasing may not be what he initially assumed. One thing is certain though: each fun-filled day...