Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
The Teppen Grand Prix is a competition established out of an appreciation for stand-up comedy. As devoted fans of such performances Yayoi Sakamoto and her two friends—Yomogi Takahashi and Yuzu Hosono—form the stand-up trio Young Wai-Wai. After qualifying for the final round in the prix the three go up against other comedic trios but only one group can emerge victorious.With participants...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy
After the events of Mask of Deception the Yamato Empire is now ruled with an iron fist by a ruthless usurper who seeks to subjugate all before him. Its up to a couple of familiar faces to band together against the might of the Imperial army and the fate of the world hangs in the balance as nations and generals must pick a side to fight with in this perilous civil war. Secrets will be revealed...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
A 5000-year-old herbivorous dragon was living peacefully when one day a young girl showed up in his cave. She offered herself as a sacrifice in order to gain favor for her village. He played along as the great Evil Dragon the Demon Lords Army Leader in order to get rid of her. However his little white lie awoke her hidden powers and his peaceful life suddenly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of Life, Supernatural
After the resolution of the debut Kate and her Doll Emilico have officially become residents of the Shadows House. However they are under constant vigilance by the Star Bearers—an elite group in charge of the childrens wing. In order to escape from their surveillance and the morbid methods they use to keep everyones loyalty in check Kate and Emilico must be wary of who to trust and aim to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of Life, Supernatural
After the resolution of the debut Kate and her Doll Emilico have officially become residents of the Shadows House. However they are under constant vigilance by the Star Bearers—an elite group in charge of the childrens wing. In order to escape from their surveillance and the morbid methods they use to keep everyones loyalty in check Kate and Emilico must be wary of who to trust and aim to...
Country: Japan
One day college student Yuuhi Amamiya is approached by talking lizard Sir Noi Crezant. Crezant immediately launches into a fantastical story: the powerful mage Animus intends to destroy the Earth with his Biscuit Hammer a huge contraption looming high in Earths orbit. Earths only hope lies with the princess and her Beast Knights whose task is to protect the princess and defeat Animus.Yuuhi...
Country: Japan
One day college student Yuuhi Amamiya is approached by talking lizard Sir Noi Crezant. Crezant immediately launches into a fantastical story: the powerful mage Animus intends to destroy the Earth with his Biscuit Hammer a huge contraption looming high in Earths orbit. Earths only hope lies with the princess and her Beast Knights whose task is to protect the princess and defeat Animus.Yuuhi...