Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance
Kimihiko Kimizuka has found himself inadvertently entangled in various crimes more times than he can remember referring to himself as a magnet for trouble. One day as if it was nothing out of the ordinary a group of unknown men kidnaps him forcing him to board a flight—where he also encounters a hijacking. Amid the resulting chaos however Kimizuka meets a stunning silver-haired beauty...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Supernatural
As the elegant frail flower petals wither away into lifeless ashes the young duke is tragically reminded of the despicable power forced upon him—the ability to kill anything he touches. Scorned by his family he is sent away to live in near isolation. Fortunately he is not entirely alone as the manors staff—his dutiful butler Rob and the flirtatious maid Alice—keep him company and make...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life
Since ancient times the citizens of Salutania have lived within a shroud of miasma a force that brings forth monsters creating havoc around the world. When the kingdoms Order of Knights becomes incapable of containing the monsters the Grand Magus summons a holy maiden—the legendary Saint—to obliterate the horrid creatures and restore peace.One evening as Sei Takanashi returns home from...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Supernatural
After the Kingdom of Liones faces a new threat the Seven Deadly Sins split up in order to defeat an enemy force spanning Britannia. With their members divided they face 3 powerful foes attempt to rescue the lost part of a dear friend and begin their rescue of Elizabeth.However all is not quite as it seems. Along the way the truth of what brought the end of the Holy War 3000 years ago is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action
Weakened by the poison from his last battle Baki Hanma finds himself on the verge of death with no salvation in sight. However after Bakis friend Retsu Kaiou brings him to China he learns about the centurial Raitai Tournament where the fiercest warriors fight to be crowned as the strongest martial artist in all of China.As it is now allowing entry to foreigners Baki is informed that he...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
At a certain trading company saleswoman Futaba Igarashi has managed to hold her respectable job for almost two years thanks to the guidance of her senior coworker—Harumi Takeda. However due to Igarashis short stature Takeda often teases her and treats her like a kid leaving Igarashi constantly annoyed by his antics.Despite this Igarashi notices Takedas reliability as he is always ready...
Country: Japan
Genre: Avant Garde, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense
The infamous Shounen Bat Lil Slugger is terrorizing the residents of Musashino City. Flying around on his rollerblades and beating people down with a golden baseball bat the assailant seems impossible to catch—much less understand. His first victim the well-known yet timid character designer Tsukiko Sagi is suspected of orchestrating the attacks. Believed only by her anthropomorphic pink...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Taking a break from his time as a teacher the powerful slime Rimuru Tempest returns to his kingdom eponymously named Tempest just in time to begin negotiations with a nearby nation—the Kingdom of Eurazania. While the negotiations are anything but peaceful they do end successfully allowing Rimuru to return and finish teaching. When trying to again return to Tempest this time permanently...