Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; Family
The story revolves around a beautiful single mother named Umi Suzuki who has worked hard to raise her son Daichi Yamada by herself. Daichi has been raised as the perfect obedient son who loves his mother though his character is described as having a “neo mother complex.” He is always aiming to achieve top results in school to please his mother and whenever a man tries to approach her...
Country: Taiwan
Genre: Comedy ; Romance
Leng Lie comes from a well-off family and is a Cordon Bleu trained chef who is widely acclaimed for his nearly perfect cuisine. He is admired Internationally by women and chefs as a representative of the highest standards. Though in Leng Lies heart there is a regret from a Valentines Day two years in the past as singer/songwriter Guan Xiao Shu suddenly hit the big time. Xiao Shu and Leng Lie...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama ; Romance
Kim Woo Jin was the top couple manager at a matchmaking company until he makes a mistake one day that sees him reassigned to lead Team Zero a group of people who have had little success in matchmaking couples. In order to keep their jobs they try their best to find romance for their clients but their own love lives are also sadly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance ; Thriller
Japan and Korea’s biggest names star in this big-scale drama. Nishijima Sho is a Japanese detective whose father was murdered in Korea when he was still a boy. In hopes of discovering the truth behind his father’s death Sho is working undercover in a huge secret organization. Choi Yuna is a Korean woman who visits Japan in search of her missing father. She opens a Korean restaurant with her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama ; Sports
Koichi Kawato is the new Japanese Literature teacher at the ill-famed Futakotamagawa high school whose baseball club is composed of thugs and bullies who have been suspended for a year from all school competitions for causing a brawl during an official match. The newly appointed teacher finds that the club members left are only interested in women smoking and doing nothing until under...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
After a failed relationship Nobuko puts her all into dieting and finds success. She begins to work for her favorite fashion magazine and just when her new life is falling into place she meets Taiichi a handsome patissier. However when Nobuko eats cakes she cant stop - moreover if she gains weight shell be fired. In the end will Nobuko...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Tokita Mayuko had researched fibres in university and hoped to get employment with a textile manufacturer. However she unexpectedly finds a job with ‘Emotion’ an order-made luxury lingerie brand in Ginza despite a complete disinterest in fashion. The company president Nanjo Mayumi is an icon who has led the Japanese lingerie industry since the brand was established 25 years ago and her...