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Country: United States
Genre: Drama, Thriller
A former intelligence officer works as a security expert in Las...
Country: United States
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A group of ambitious law students and their brilliant criminal defense professor become involved in a twisted murder plot that promises to change the course of their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Anime
In the 2002 OVA Mazinkaiser Tetsuya fights alongside Kouji against Doctor Hells forces. The OVA version of Great Mazinger is physically identical to the original but with black coloring on the arms and legs instead of blue. Great is seriously damaged during the initial battle in the series. It became worse when the captured Mazinger Z attacks the Photon Power Labs even though Tetsuya does...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Science fiction, Anime
The series focuses on Lan Hikari and his NetNavi MegaMan.EXE as they build their friendship while dealing with threats from various NetCrime organizations. Along with Lan are friends Maylu Sakurai Dex Ogreon Yai Ayano Tory Froid and their respective Navis: Roll GutsMan Glide IceMan. Although the series originally remains fairly close to the games in terms of storyline it begins to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Anime
The entire story takes place in a country called Kuchen a fictional country located in the Atlantic Ocean to the coasts of France and south of Britannia.[2] The word “kuchen” is the German word for “cake” and most of the places and people are also German-based. Other notable cities are Kirsche “cherry” Erdbeere “strawberry” and Mürbe “shortcrust”.Kuchen is...
Country: Japan
Genre: comedy, slice of life, Anime
A comical spin-off of the ever popular Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya television series originally aired back in 2006 involving all the major characters in more child-like forms of their animated selves going through various spoofs of previous plot line; like Nagato and the dreaded laptop with a twist of having hentai on it. face offs with the rack of costumes that were stuffed in the corner of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Magical girl, Romance, Fantasy, Anime
Seven royal families reign over each of the seven kingdoms prospering inside the planet for many years. Ohisama no Megumi the suns blessing is beginning to die and it has been forecast that it will disappear in one year. If it disappears all of the planet will be covered in darkness. Twin princesses Fine and Rein receive a secret mission from Princess Grace to investigate the reason for...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Harem, Anime
The story begins with Nozomu Futami returning to the town where he was born and raised as a child. He moves in near a shrine which houses a legendary stone that was rumoured to have been the place where twin girls turned into birds. The stone is rumoured to be the cause of an abundance of twin girls who are born in the town. The twins who turned into birds did so because of their love for a man...