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Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
Chitose Fujinomiya former heiress and currently an orphan has been kicked out of her super elite school Tokai no Gakuen City Academy and shunned by her former friends. She is sent to a rural public school Inaka no Chugakko Country Jr. High School where even pigs oxen and chickens are students. The only possession she has left is a pink goldfish named Gyopi given to her by her beloved...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Anime
A story set in the mid-1800s about a young doctor who has been trained in Western-style medicine and a young samurai who is trying to live up to the old traditions of his class and culture. The story is actually based upon real people - the doctor Ryo-an was Tezukas great grandfather.During the Second Year of Ansei 1855 in Edos Koishigawa are two young men Manjiro Ibutani and Ryoan...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo, Anime
Remi lives with his mother in a French village. His father Barberin works in Paris. When he returns wounded and hard-hearted Remi discovers he is actually a foundling. Barberin sells Remi to a traveling artist Vitalis and his animals troop. Heart-broken Remi leaves his home to face the hardships of a traveling artists life. In Vitalis Remi finds the father he lacks. On his way Remi meets a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Shounen, Anime
A dog named Weed happens to hear that he is the son of Gin the great leader of Ohu who lead the dogs of Ohu to victory in a fight against monsterous bear Akakabuto. Weed wants to find his father no matter what. On a journey to find his father Weed meets many friends and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Sci-fi, Anime
Kananase Yu is just an ordinary high-school student. Since he has mysterious inside knowledge about piloting a mecha he is recruited by the International Military Organization as a potential test pilot for a new mobile armor. However apparently there are other young recruits around his age including one of his classmates were recruited as test pilot as well. Now Kananase Yu must prove that he...