Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery
God abandoned the world on Sunday. As a result nobody in the world can die or reproduce. A little girl Ai is the gravekeeper for a village. She has prepared 47 graves for the eventual deaths of every member of the village. Later a boy who identifies himself as Hampnie Hambart the Man-eating Toy which is coincidentally the name that Ais mother left behind as the name of her father arrives...
Genre: Animation, Family
Earth’s seven greatest heroes unite against the threat of an alien invasion and decide to remain together to defend Earth against attacking aliens sorcerers super-villains and any other threat that might arise. Among their number are the Martian Manhunter last survivor of Mars; Superman the super-powered last survivor of the planet Krypton; Batman the Dark Knight Detective; Green...
Country: Japan
Genre: Cars, Seinen, Sports
Takumi Fujiwara and brothers Keisuke and Ryousuke Takahashi have formed Project D a racing team aimed at bringing their driving skills to their full potential outside their prefecture. Using the internet Project D issues challenges to other racing teams and posts results of their races. Managed by Ryousuke the team has Takumi engaging in downhill battles with his AE86 while Keisuke...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School
The story takes place in Japan in the early 21st century in an alternate reality where the Tokugawa Shogunate has remained in power. In this reality student councils are tasked with oppressing schools. Yagyuu Muneakira is a high school student who rebels against his student council with the help of girls who’ve had the names of famous samurai heroes passed on to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Cars, Seinen
Taking place in the sacred land of street running Kanagawa once more Takumi Fujiwara will show his driving skills on his now legendary...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shounen
Shiratori Ryuushi is a young artist-in-training about to start studying at a vocational school. Arriving at his new lodgings Narutakisou he finds himself the focus of attention for the collection of weirdos that inhabit the place. He also meets and falls for the landlady Aoba Kozue who seems to be both lovely and charming. However Kozue is not what she seems to be… in fact she’s more....
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Game, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
In a technological era where the world is connected via a highly-advanced internet network humans interact with artificial intelligence units known as Net Navis. Housed within PET handheld devices humans and Net Navis coexist between the real and cyber worlds as friends and allies. Net Navis are designed for various tasks most specifically battle against viruses and rogue Net Navis operated by...
Country: Japan
Genre: Game, Psychological, Seinen, Thriller
Several months after the events of the first season Kaiji with his appendages reattached and his debt now run up to 9.5 million yen is still desperately seeking the elusive big score that will cancel all of his markers. Unbeknownst to him Hyodo’s company the Teiai Corporation is actively searching for Kaiji and have sent Kaiji’s old “friend” Endoh who entered him in the high...