Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi, Shounen, Anime
In 2029 a large scale ground sinkage occurred in the Mediterranean Sea. Chemical elements such as oxygen carbon gold molybdenum and cobalt disappeared from the earths crust suddenly. The human population was decreased by 90% in sixty years. Researchers found out that the disappeared elements were drained into a planet Nega Earth located in another dimension. To save the Earth a special...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Anime
The future probably Japan. Robots have long been put into practical use and androids have just come into use.Influenced by the Robot Ethics Committee its become common sense for people to treat androids like household appliances. Their appearance—indistinguishable from humans except for the ring over each androids head—has led some people to empathize unnecessarily with androids. Known...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Talk-Show
Day by day Maury and his producers invite guests to the show. The audience participates and put questions to the guests. This talk-show is different from many of its peers by handling...
Country: United States
Genre: Game-Show, Reality-TV
Some of the worst cooks in the country will compete in an elimination series. The last two standing have the chance to cook for culinary critics and win a cash...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Anime
Mazinger Z is an enormous super robot constructed with a fictitious metal called Super-Alloy Z 超合金Z Chōgokin Zetto? which is forged from a new element Japanium mined from a reservoir found only in the sediment of Mt. Fuji in Japan. The mecha was built by Professor Juzo Kabuto as a secret weapon against the forces of evil represented in the series by the Mechanical Beasts of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Magic, Anime
In the nineteenth century we find Lydia Carlton living in Scotland making a living as a fairy doctor. She is one of those rare humans who can see and communicate with fairies. But no one believes her. However Edgar is in need of someone with a vast knowledge of fairy lore and Lydia is just that person. After rescuing her he becomes her employer but there are many secrets and emotions that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Parody, School, Shounen, Anime
Noya Itsuki just transferred to Ebisugawa High School. Since he has always had a fascination with space he decides to join the Astronomy Club. However he mistakenly walks into the Asstronomy Club - a club whose members are all female otaku. Itsuki notices that the members are really weird but he has yet to realize that he joined the wrong club. His life becomes very strange very...