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Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Military, Sci-Fi, Space
2199 AD: the human race will be extinct in one years time. Meteor bombardment by the mysterious Gamilas aliens has made the Earths surface uninhabitable. Young officers Susumu Kodai and Daisuke Shima retrieve a message offering aid from the enigmatic planet Iscandar. In answer the revolutionary Space Battleship Yamato is dispatched on a 148000 light-year journey to reach Iscandar and bring...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Demons, Fantasy
Delving into the humans spiritual journey to the Celestial Realm of Buddha UTSU NO MIKO follows five friends on their quest to bring peace to a corrupt and chaotic Earth.Born with a horn Utsu no Miko found refuge on Mt. Kongo where he studies to become a God. But when the ruling imperial government seems to bring only devastation to the people Miko and his friends venture on a 33-year quest...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Duke Fleed is a survivor of the Fleed Planet who is escaped to the Earth onboard a mysterious spaceship where is raised by Dr. Umon as his adoptive son and known as Daisuke Umon. Years after his arrival hes faced with the threat of King Vega and his army who want to conquer the Earth. With his friends Koji and Hikaru and later his younger sister Maria Grace Duke decides to fight back...
Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
Duke Fleed is a survivor of the Fleed Planet who is escaped to the Earth onboard a mysterious spaceship where is raised by Dr. Umon as his adoptive son and known as Daisuke Umon. Years after his arrival hes faced with the threat of King Vega and his army who want to conquer the Earth. With his friends Koji and Hikaru and later his younger sister Maria Grace Duke decides to fight back...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
044 becomes the strongest female soldier excelling in combat through gene manipulation using a virus. However in exchange for her abilities her days become numbered. The next mission of the government is to destroy a bloodthirsty squad Phage and its leader King. In her battle she encounters a Phage soldier Luka and finds herself unable to kill him. She wonders why but as a result Daxus...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Magic, Romance, School, Shoujo
Hideo Middle School eighth-grader Ayu Tateishi as a member of the tennis club is of course a cool girl who is popular among the girls in the school. Actually shes an ordinary girl pretending to be cool because Kaji-kun of the baseball team likes her.She is adored by the transfer student Nina Sakura. Nina actually has a huge secret?! Because she is a young witch who transferred from the magic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Magic, Romance, School, Shoujo
Hideo Middle School eighth-grader Ayu Tateishi as a member of the tennis club is of course a cool girl who is popular among the girls in the school. Actually she`s an ordinary girl pretending to be cool because Kachi-kun of the baseball team likes her.She is adored by the transfer student Nina Sakura. Nina actually has a huge secret!? Because she is a young witch who transferred from the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Romance, Seinen, Slice of Life
In 19th-century London class lines are sharply drawn and the social standing to which people are born dictates the path their lives will follow. Emma an honest and hardworking young maid never felt her place in life to be a burden. But then she met William a member of the gentry and the eldest son of a wealthy family. His warm smile and earnest affection threaten to capture her heart... but...