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Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Anime
At the end of the 21st century Earth had to confront the problem of population increases combined with shortages in resources. Development of the Moon was seen as the way to solve the situation. The Moons mineral resources reinvigorated the Earth and brought prosperity. However the achievement of that vision proved painful for those whod left their home world to settle on the Moon.One of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
Uruno a useless wolf is on the road searching for a new place to call home. He soon comes upon a whole forest full of useless animals-- that is animals that dont live up to their species usual character. After a short fight with the smoking bad-tempered rabbit Usahara Uruno decides that he wants to move on... but changes his mind upon meeting Chiiko a clumsy cheetah girl. Its love at...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen, Sports, Anime
Dan Doh!! focuses on a fifth grader named Tadamichi Aoba also nicknamed Dandoh. Dandoh and his two friends are their baseball teams best players but after an incident with their school principal they are introduced the world of golf. Dandoh and his friends are taught by a former pro golfer named Shinjō Mikiyasu who believes that they can surpass even him. As Dandoh begins to play in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
In 2046 a revolutionary 80% shock-absorbing reinforced cardboard has been developed rapidly transforming the worlds exports. The reinforced cardboard would soon become the battleground for a popular childrens hobby called LBX Little Battler eXperience.Four years later a boy named Yamano Ban who loves to play with LBX although without a mecha himself is given a case containing the model...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
A pharmaceutical company captures King Kong and brings him to Japan where he escapes from captivity and battles a recently released...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror
Kong falls from the twin towers and he appears to be alive. However his heart is failing so its replaced with an artificial one. All is well until he senses that theres a female Kong somewhere out there and escapes wreaking...