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Genre: Documentary
A young family struggling to stay afloat amidst disappointment and heartache set out on the road in search of the hope of healing as a couple connecting with their son and pursuing a more whole-hearted pace of life. This real-life tale tells of the comedy the hardships and the passion of living intentionally and adventurously in marriage and with...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Historical, Magic, Mystery, OVA, Sci-Fi, Dub
Yomiko Readman is a lovable near-sighted bibliomaniac working as a substitute teacher at a Japanese high school. Her real identity however is that of a secret agent for the British Library Special Operations Division. Her codename: The Paper. The moniker denotes her supernatural ability to freely manipulate paper into any object she can imagine including tools and weapons in her fight...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Historical, Magic, Mystery, OVA, Sci-Fi
Yomiko Readman is a lovable near-sighted bibliomaniac working as a substitute teacher at a Japanese high school. Her real identity however is that of a secret agent for the British Library Special Operations Division. Her codename: The Paper. The moniker denotes her supernatural ability to freely manipulate paper into any object she can imagine including tools and weapons in her fight...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Dub, Mecha, Movie, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi
Ayato Kamina was separated from the girl he loved Haruka Mishima when an event occurred that was thought to have killed everyone outside of Tokyo. But one day three years later invaders suddenly attacked the city. It was then that he meets an agent of TERRA Haruka Shitow who tells him that she will give him the truth about the world. It is the beginning of a series of strange events which...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Movie, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi
Ayato Kamina was separated from the girl he loved Haruka Mishima when an event occurred that was thought to have killed everyone outside of Tokyo. But one day three years later invaders suddenly attacked the city. It was then that he meets an agent of TERRA Haruka Shitow who tells him that she will give him the truth about the world. It is the beginning of a series of strange events which...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Movie
This is the autobiographic tale of Kobayashi Chitose a young Japanese girl growing up in a Japanese-occupied North Korea. As World War II progresses Chitose begins to realize that her family will not be able to escape the effects of the conflict. From the simple disappointment of not being able to get the type of backpack she wants for school to her fathers recruitment as a soldier the war...
Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Mecha, OVA
After battle in first season battleship Amanohara was serious damaged and need to repair. It land on island where a Gogyou festival just begin. Umakai Shintaro and his five girls student who know as Raimu Unit begin enjoy a peace time in that island. But the enemy still follow them around. How Umakai Shintaro and his five girls student fight against the enemy. Still his five girls student begin...