Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Seinen, Sports
Kakeru a former elite runner at high school is chased for stealing food. He is saved by a Kansei University student Haiji who is also a runner. Haiji persuades Kakeru to live in the old apartment Chikuseisou where he plans to team up with fellow residents to enter Hakone Ekiden Marathon one of the most prominent university races in Japan. Kakeru soon finds out that all of the residents...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
Hikaru Tsutsui is a quiet unassuming high school student who forsakes the company of his classmates to spend his time reading manga playing video games and watching anime. Hikaru is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Fantasy
In the distant future a new immortal and genderless life form called Gems populate the Earth. The 28 Gems must fight against the Lunarians who attack them regularly to abduct them and to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Fantasy
In the distant future a new immortal and genderless life form called Gems populate the Earth. The 28 Gems must fight against the Lunarians who attack them regularly to abduct them and to...
Country: China
Genre: Historical, Romance
The story revolves around a young wanderer with an extraordinary business sense and the masked hero who saves her which ultimately results in them falling in love. When the wanderer is revealed to be the Divine Maiden who will obtain a legendary treasure various enemies hunt her down. She then lives life on the run and meets her savior who turns out to be the ambitious prince that wants to take...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Supernatural
The original manga continues the story from the previous entries in Arakis JoJos Bizarre Adventure manga when Jotaro asks Koichi to travel to Naples to investigate a person known as Haruno Shiobana whose real name is later revealed as Giorno Giovanna. The story then follows Giorno in his goal to rise to the top of the Passione mafia group and turn it into a band of honorable...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation
The protagonist Masaru has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary even if it means...