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Genre: Animation, Mystery, Sci-Fi
The paranormal science story follows nine idiosyncratic individuals linked by the Chōjō Kagaku Kirikiri Basara occult summary blog run by 17-year-old second-year high school student Yūta Gamon. Little incongruities that occur around these nine eventually lead to a larger unimaginable event that may alter what is considered common sense in this...
Country: south korea
Genre: Drama ; Thriller
What happened to her? The truth behind the hidden case is revealed! Music student Yeon-seo heads to Seoul to meet her sister. Shes almost thereuntil she sees her sisters body surrounded by people and policemen. The police clarified her death as suicide and wraps it up. However Yeon-seo feels theres something more to it then what can be seen and starts digging through the case herself....
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Mikio Masato Sakai is a married man and works hard for the company where he is employed. Then one day Mikio is diagnosed with depression. Mikios wife is Haruko Aoi Miyazaki. They have been married for 5 years. Haruko...
Country: south korea
Genre: Drama
Lee Kang-Sik Cha Seung-Won is serving a life sentence for murder. Due to good behavior by Lee Kang-Sik for the past 15 years he is granted a special 1 day release from prison to visit his family. Lee Kang-Sik cant even remember what his son looks like. What will he...
Country: south korea
Genre: Comedy ; Romance
Su-Wan Kim Ha-Neul is a sophomore in college and she works part-time as a tutor to cover her tuition. She has had bad experiences so far with her students. She then meets quite possibly the most impossible to teach student yet Ji-Hoon Kwon Sang-Woo. Ji-Hoon comes from a wealthy family and at school is the known as the best fighter around. Hes also the king of troublemakers. Ji-Hoon is now...
Country: Japan
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
The story took place in a world plagued by Shocker a mysterious terrorist organization. To further its plans for world domination Shocker recruited its agents through kidnapping turning their victims into mutant cyborgs and ultimately brainwashing them. However one victim named Takeshi Hongo escaped just before the final brainwashing. With his sanity and moral conscience intact Hongo...
Country: south korea
Genre: Action ; Historical ; Thriller
During the Japanese occupation of Korea in 1928 young Tatsuo later played by Joe Odagiri arrives with his parents in Seoul where Tatsuos grandfather is stationed as an army official. On his arrival at his grandfathers house Tatsuo meets a young Korean boy named Joon-Sik later played by Jang Dong-Gun. Joon-Sik his younger sister and his father all work and reside in the Japanese...
Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Comedy ; Romance
The film begins in the city of London where a 30 year old man sits in front of a university board of 3 women. Apparently the subject the man is being assessed in is Psychology of women so hence the unisexual university board. The man is yet again told he has failed completely in the subject and as he exits the university he is identified as Cheng Ekin Cheng by his colleagues. Not giving up...