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Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
James Links is a 49-year-old space trucker anxious to return to Earth and reunite with his estranged children Leon and Noel. While transporting some goods to Earth he stumbles upon...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation
In a futuristic society People called Z-Fighters pilot Mechanical Combat Units known as Zoids. The Young Pilot R.D. and his Liger ZERO along with the rest of Team Mach Storm pilot these...
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Fantasy
The story is set in Aquafall a fantasy world abound with water and greenery and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites suddenly bring forth evil creatures that threaten all living things on the planet. The fairy Syrup assembles the Aquafall Defense Force with three girls of the dragon clans as recruits. The story follows Syrup and the dragon girls Leviathan Bahamut and Jörmungandr as...
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Fantasy
The story is set in Aquafall a fantasy world abound with water and greenery and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites suddenly bring forth evil creatures that threaten all living things on the planet. The fairy Syrup assembles the Aquafall Defense Force with three girls of the dragon clans as recruits. The story follows Syrup and the dragon girls Leviathan Bahamut and Jörmungandr as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi
The story of Zipang is basically the same as that of the movie The Final Countdown only with a few twists. The Japanese AEGIS Destroyer Mirai of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi
The story of Zipang is basically the same as that of the movie The Final Countdown only with a few twists. The Japanese AEGIS Destroyer Mirai of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Dub, Magic, Super Power
The juvenile Kan from the earth is summoned to the Kingdom of Toria where he encounters attack from the giant creature Zinba and hes rescued by the linker Shibuki and Uranus. Later he accidentally gets on the linker squad DUX truck to the maze valley finding in a cave a golden...