Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Drama
A man becomes haunted by his past and is presented with a mysterious legacy that causes him to re-think his current situation in...
Greg Vincent is a struggling alcoholic writer who has suffered a terrible loss in his life and is looking for inspiration for his next story. During this difficult time he encounters a strange being from out of this world. Could this possible be the basis for the perfect story which could jump start not only his career but also his...
A young couple happens upon an old house that has been on the market for a long time. Seeing a huge opportunity they jump on purchasing the house only to discover too late why the house remained empty all of those years. Every house has its secrets but some secrets should be left...
Genre: Comedy | Crime
Rick and Reni came to California in search of a new lease on life. Unfortunately all they found was each other... In a last ditch effort to save their struggling relationship the duo twist their couples counseling therapy into a plot that would see them turning back into their Texas low-life roots as petty criminals. As has been the case throughout the history of Rick and Renis calamity...
Genre: Drama
LAST MAN CLUB follows Captain John Eagle Eye Pennell a WW2 veteran who has learned that his family is going to force him into a retirement home. That same day he receives a letter from a former B-17 crew mate reminding him of the pact they made to each other in 1944. That letter will send Eagle on a cross country trip to reunite his remaining crew and make good on the promise they made to...
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Fantasy | Short
A sheltered and struggling young actor Ian receives a call from his agent about an upcoming audition. Shortly after Ian begins to see disturbing visions of the immediate future and he soon realizes that having this ability is not exactly a welcomed gift unless he is ready to do something about...
Genre: Documentary | Music
Two young men shoot themselves in a churchyard. Ray Belknap dies; James Vance - severely disfigured - survives. Their parents take heavy-metal icons Judas Priest to court claiming the band mesmerized their sons. The unprecedented trial is the framework for this one-of-a-kind Emmy-nominated...