Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance
The story of Lady Oscar a female military commander who served during the time of the French...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
Jeremy Wade searches the world for legendary and flesh-eating freshwater...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, Mystery
The stories behind interesting and unusual artifacts stored in museums are...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Shounen, Sports, Anime
The story follows a boy who was in a soccer team but it was disbanded due to not enough players. However after the boy meets a female professional soccer player he aims to bring his soccer team...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
In the year 2005 a race of alien monsters called Zonders emerge from underground and launch a series of attacks on the city of Tokyo. The only defense against these creatures is the secret agency known as the Gutsy Geoid Guard or 3G and their ultimate weapon the awesome giant robot GaoGaiGar. GaoGaiGars pilot Guy Shishio is a former astronaut who was nearly killed two years before when the...
Country: N/A
Genre: Family, Reality-TV
Meet the First Family of Mississippi Barbecue the Orrisons. Their wildly popular barbecue joints earned them fame fortune devoted fans and a lot of big toys. But no matter how big...
Country: Japan
Genre: Supernatural, Science fiction, Horror, Psychological thriller, Anime
In a small town of Suiten located in a remote mountain region on the island of Kyūshū reality and the spirit realm collide. Ghosts and paranormal occurrences appear in the real world spreading through the town. Three high school boys Tarō Makoto and Masayuki who have all had traumatic experiences in their childhood observe the strange occurrences happening at Suiten. Together they...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha anime, Military science fiction, Anime
Without warning in the year 2050 an alien race known only as the Inbit arrive invade and successfully conquer the Earth. Years later and despite brutal past failures the inhabitants of Mars Colony send out yet another desperate Liberation Force to try and reclaim their lost home world. The fleet is all but destroyed. However a lone survivor Stig Bernard finds himself on Earth. Gathering a...