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Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
Future Occupation...Demon King.Sai Akuto enters Constant Magic Academy to be useful to society and to become a top-ranked national magician. However a horrible prediction is made on his first day. Thanks to this prediction the class representative girl hates him a girl with a mysterious power embraces him a female artificial human is sent by the empire to observe him and his school life is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, adventure, comedy, science-fantasy
The anime follows Kirby a pink spherical childlike creature who does not speak in coherent words but possesses the ability to take on new magical powers by temporarily sucking up their owners. Kirby arrives on a planet called Pop Star near the village of Cappy Town when his spaceship crashes there. He quickly befriends two yellow-skinned children...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Ecchi, Harem, Magic, Mecha, Romance, Shounen
Kurou Daijuuji is a poor detective living in Arkham City. One day he was requested by Ruri Hado of Hado Financial Group to search for a magic book. While he initially refused Ruri offered him a large sum of money upon completion of her request in which bribed Kuro to accept. As Kurou searches for the book he unexpectedly runs into Al a pretty girl that is actually a powerful grimoire. They...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Sci-Fi
2035 A.D. The heads of ancient giant idols were excavated all over the world. Using those twelve stones statues Humanity had barely overcome the threat of extinction called the Equatorial Winter. But the stone statues had forced Humanity to construct colossal suits of armor as their bodies and demanded that the humans fight each...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi
In A.D. 2031 humans are enjoying a prosperous existence until strange life forms called Hardians appear. They suddenly begin to multiply and assault the human population. As a countermeasure mankind organizes the N.I.D.F. to investigate the Hardians and protect themselves.A fighter pilot Aiba Shu begins to become involved in the battle against the lifeforms. Rurika Yuno one of Earths...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
When a friend asks Natsuki what high school club shes going to join she cheerfully responds the go-home club meaning shes not going to join any of them. However she soon realizes that this club actually exists at her high school and shes just expressed interest in joining it! Before she knows it she ends up as one of the two new members of the go-home club which is a small group of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, School
3rd grade teacher Aoki Daisuke didnt expect the first class he ever taught to be one of the toughest obstacles of his life. After getting off on the wrong foot with the entire class a moment of kind-heartedness instantly convinces one of his students Rin Kokonoe to make the ill-fated Aoki-sensei her lover. But what exactly are Rins intentions for wanting to actively seduce Aoki-sensei and...