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Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shoujo Anime
The story revolves around a girl named Yuuka who encounters a being from the depths of the Earth named Chii-chan a pun of chiteijin the Japanese word for underground-dweller and an alien named Ucchan a pun of uchuujin or alien. The story follows their heartwarming and chaotic everyday lives...
Country: United States
Genre: Action
When fame-seeking reality show bounty hunter Boone attempts to bring down a drug lord and his empire he uncovers more than he bargains for and learns that justice means more than...
Genre: Mystery
It seems that in recent years Angel sightings and experiences are everywhere. Perhaps this is because the world is more and more complicated and people are feeling exhausted from keeping up when time is moving too fast and they are endlessly distracted by technology which leaves them spiritually empty. Many people believe that Angels and Demons exist and are active in our world today. With...