Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Musical
Storyline: Muffin Baker is the star of cheesy Hollywood films directed by her boyfriend Ted Wood. A telegram informs her that her rich Uncle Cyrus has died so she and Ted fly to Ravenswood Manor for the reading of the will. Her uncles attorney Archibald Weisenheimer has designs on Cyruss fortune for his daughter the grasping Evilyn. In addition the manors manservant and maid hatch their...
Country: Hong Kong, United States, Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Family, Sci-Fi
Storyline: Set in futuristic Metro City Astro Boy is about a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist in the image of the son he has lost. Unable to fulfill the grieving mans expectations our hero embarks on a journey in search of acceptance experiencing betrayal and a netherworld of robot gladiators before he returns to save Metro City and reconcile with the...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Music
Storyline: An adaptation of J. M. Barries story about a boy who never grew up. The three children of the Darling family receive a visit from Peter Pan who takes them to Never Land where an ongoing war between Peters gang of rag-tag runaways and the evil Pirate Captain Hook is taking...
Country: Australia, United States, United Kingdom
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Romance
Storyline: In stifling Edwardian London Wendy Darling mesmerizes her brothers every night with bedtime tales of swordplay swashbuckling and the fearsome Captain Hook. But the children become the heroes of an even greater story when Peter Pan flies into their nursery one night and leads them over moonlit rooftops through a galaxy of stars and to the lush jungles of Neverland. Wendy and her...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama, Romance, Music
Storyline: Dusty Chandler Strait is a super star in the country music world but his shows have the style of a 70s rock concert. One day he takes a walk - out of his overdone concerts to find his real country roots. Hes helped and hindered by friends and staff but pushes on in his search for a real music style as well as a real...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama, Music, Musical, Romance
Storyline: Three angels bestow the gift of song to a young girl who must follow a series of rules in order hold on to it during her rise to fame and...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Storyline: A disease carried by common cockroaches is killing Manhattan children. In an effort to stop the epidemic an entomologist Susan Tyler creates a mutant breed of insect that secretes a fluid to kill the roaches. This mutant breed was engineered to die after one generation but three years later Susan finds out that the species has survived and evolved into a large gruesome monster that...
Country: United States
Genre: Aciton, Horror, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Storyline: When a cockroach-spread plague threatened to decimate the child population of New York City in the original Mimic biologist Susan Tyler and her research associates developed a species of Judas bugs and introduced them into the environment where they were to mimic the diseased roaches and infiltrate their grubby habitats. The plan worked until the bugs evolved to mimic their next...