Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
The anime will follow the adventures of Baron a man living on continent of Arad in the year 981 after the cursed light of Kazan has fallen across the land. Thanks to the curse one of his arms has become possessed. After finding a sword that has been possessed by the spirit Roxy he embarks on a quest to unravel the secret of the curse and meets various people who also join his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
The story features four divine Dragon Kings rulers of the four parts of the world according to Chinese myths. The brothers are reborn in the modern world complete with supernatural powers and the ability to become the Dragons which are their true forms. They are content to live ordinary lives as long as nobody meddles with them.It becomes the mission of the four brothers to defeat the Four...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Military, Romance, Sci-Fi, Space
Aizawa Ryota was in the 3rd grade of the preparatory course of Central Military Academy. AD 2045 he went to a space station Aries for the training with his classmates including Nagase Saka and Nittak Kazuhiko. However the station was attacked by a terrorist group Hallarax.Now they must find a way back to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Military, Music, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life
In a lonely corner of the world on the edge of No Mans Land sits Clocktower Fortress. Its home to the 1121st Platoon of the Helvetian Army and their newest member is a 15-year-old volunteer named Kanata Sorami who enlisted to learn how to play the bugle. When she was a child Kanata was saved by a beautiful soldier and found inspiration in the clear golden sound of her trumpet. From that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Supernatural
Sakurai Tomoki has been having the same strange dream since he was a child and would wake up in tears. Sugata an upperclassman at his school believes the dream to be of the new continent. Later that night while waiting under the cherry trees for Sugata and his childhood friend an angel called Ikaros comes flying down and his peaceful life changes from then...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Based on the Doujinshi self-published works created by accomplished voice actress Masumi Asano and Hayate the Combat Butler creator Kenjiro Hata Seiyu’s Life! gives a true insider’s view of the strange little things that happen in the industry.Follow a rookie seiyu in her first steps into the world of professional voice acting! She might be unsure of herself but Futaba Ichinose is ready...
Country: Japan
Genre: omedy, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Supernatural
Sakurai Tomoki has settled into his life with the two angeloids Ikaros and Nymph and is enjoying himself immensely. However he keeps having weird dreams and asks all of his friends to help him investigate the cause.Nymph conjures up a device that enables people but not angeloids to enter other peoples dreams. The device malfunctions at first but eventually they get to what was supposed to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Sur le continent Spooner une poignée de sorciers utilise la magie pour gouverner. Leurs lois sont assez dures et le peuple na pas dautre choix que de les suivre. Cependant Il y a encore un espoir pour le peuple. Il existe des combattants secrets punissant les sorciers malveillants au nom de la justice. On les appellent les Sorcerer...