Fast And Furious 7: Sky Movies Special
Country: South Korea
Genre: Mystery ; Period
The story revolves around criminal investigation and forensic procedures in the late Chosun era following the activities of an undercover special task force that was established to counter the increasing number of crimes resulting from political turmoil in the period. Kang Seung Jo and Kim Kang Woo lead the team of elite investigators as they uncover the circumstances behind mysterious deaths...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Mystery ; Medical
The second season is set in even more turbulent times than the first; during the reign of Emperor Gojong a period where every aspect of Joseon from financial military and economic to the culture was spurred towards modernization. The chaos and confusion resulting from these rapid changes form the background for the crimes that occur forcing the Byul Soon Geom to be reformed in order to...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Mystery ; Period
Shin Jung Hoo leads a new generation of criminal investigators that use forensic procedures and scientific methods to solve mysterious crimes with a new focus on criminal psychology and profiling: Cha Gun Woo a profiling expert who uses his good looks and natural charm to appeal to females and elicit testimony the rookie investigator Seo Yeon Doo veteran Choi Do Gon and coroner Park Choong...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Romance
Park Han Byul and Park Kwang Hyun star in this bubbly drama about a committed couple who realize they might not belong together at all. Jung Suk Park Kwang Hyun and Yeo Kyung Park Han Byul have been dating for years. Jung Suk is uncultured and poor while Yeo Kyung is polished and rich. After realizing they aren’t as happy as they thought each begins to stray towards new prospects. Can...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Romance
Animation studio Sunrise has announced at AnimeJapan 2016 that its 2006 mecha anime series Zegapain will be re-edited into a movie titled Zegapain ADP. The movie will also include new scenes not present in the TV...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
Rhonda and Kim Hamilton are two highly successful cousins with vastly different philosophies on dating. One is sexually liberated A Hoe according to Kim and the other is getting over...
Country: United States
Genre: Reality-TV
Takes peoples freaky style and turns it into something that expresses themselves and the job they want or...