Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy
In the far future humans abandon a devastated Earth and traveled to outer space. However due to unknown phenomenon that prevents them from traveling into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy
In the far future humans abandon a devastated Earth and traveled to outer space. However due to unknown phenomenon that prevents them from traveling into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy
In the far future humans abandon a devastated Earth and traveled to outer space. However due to unknown phenomenon that prevents them from traveling into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy
In the far future humans abandon a devastated Earth and traveled to outer space. However due to unknown phenomenon that prevents them from traveling into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama
His name is Kazuki Shikimori 17 years old. He attends Aoi Academy a school for elite magicians. Each magician has a set limit of spells and performing more spells than the limit allows will cause the user to turn into...