Country: France, Canada
Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy
Oggy would be the happiest of cats if three cockroaches hadnt decided to settle inside his comfortable...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation
Oh Noah! is designed to teach Spanish to children ages six to eight through animated videos with embedded games that help build vocabulary. In each three-minute video a misunderstanding launches a comic misadventure. Kids learn language better when they can put it into meaningful context. Although – like Noah – they may not understand all the Spanish dialogue kids can comprehend the story...
Country: Soviet Union
Genre: Action, Family, Animation
Much like Tom and Jerry this show revolves around the relationship between the wolf and the mischievous...
Country: Canada
Genre: Animation
Numb Chucks is an animated comedy about two half-witted woodchuck vigilantes Dilweed and Fungus who use their non-existent kung-fu skills to protect the lives of all the citizens in Ding-a-Ling Springs whether they need it or...
Country: 2012
Genre: Animation
Nutri Ventures also known as Nutri Ventures – The Quest for the 7 Kingdoms is a Portuguese TV series produced by the Nutri Ventures Corporation. The story takes place in a city where all the food has been replaced by a strange Genex 100 that all the people take once per day and no other foods are available. The protagonist finds bread in a factory and thus the adventure to find other food...
Genre: Animation
Nutri Ventures also known as Nutri Ventures – The Quest for the 7 Kingdoms is a Portuguese TV series produced by the Nutri Ventures Corporation. The story takes place in a city where all the food has been replaced by a strange Genex 100 that all the people take once per day and no other foods are available. The protagonist finds bread in a factory and thus the adventure to find other food...
Genre: Animation
Nutri Ventures also known as Nutri Ventures – The Quest for the 7 Kingdoms is a Portuguese TV series produced by the Nutri Ventures Corporation. The story takes place in a city where all the food has been replaced by a strange Genex 100 that all the people take once per day and no other foods are available. The protagonist finds bread in a factory and thus the adventure to find other food...