A drama about the journey of creating Korea’s best multidisciplinary medical team and the stories of doctors inside. Characters who have different hurts and dilemmas struggle as they get to work together and gradually learn that healing a person is healing oneself.
This drama will center around Paran Hospital's unpaid doctor Park Tae Shin, a skillful medical surgeon who has a warm heart but straightforward to a fault. He is doing good deeds and works as an unpaid doctor for a struggling hospital and attempts to help it gain solid footing by joining the medical staff at Gwang Hye University Hospital...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Seinen Anime
In the distant future because of an interplanetary war that had continued on for centuries civilizations were ruined. Human beings have lost everything and only 1/5th of the population survived. A strange breed of humans The Third is said to have appeared just after the war. They possess a third eye as their name suggests that appear as oval-shaped red pupils called space eyes over...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Seinen Anime
In the distant future because of an interplanetary war that had continued on for centuries civilizations were ruined. Human beings have lost everything and only 1/5th of the population survived. A strange breed of humans The Third is said to have appeared just after the war. They possess a third eye as their name suggests that appear as oval-shaped red pupils called space eyes over...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Fantasy Anime, Magic Anime, Shounen Anime
An actor a martial artist a gun-crazy high school student and their tank are transported from earth to a world of elves and magic. However the spell to return them home was botched resulting in fragments of the spell being magicly imprinted onto their skin. Their solution: run around looking for elves and stripping them whereever they find...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Ecchi Anime, Fantasy Anime, Magic Anime, Shounen Anime
An actor a martial artist a gun-crazy high school student and their tank are transported from earth to a world of elves and magic. However the spell to return them home was botched resulting in fragments of the spell being magicly imprinted onto their skin. Their solution: run around looking for elves and stripping them whereever they find...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Dub Anime, Mecha Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Thunderbirds 2086 takes place roughly twenty years after the original series generally accepted as taking place around 2065 though other dates are seen on screen and chronicles the adventures of the Thunderbirds a rescue team working for the International Rescue Organisation. Unlike the original International Rescue which was small-scale and family-oriented the IRO is a vast organisation...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Fantasy Anime
After Junpei botched the second attempt to transport back to Japan the four embark their journey once again to collect runes imprinted on skin of Elven females by stripping them. Celsia is cursed into the form of another animal this...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Mecha Anime
A new TV series in the Time Bokan...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Parody Anime
The protagonist known only as Ossan pops is a handsome yet undisciplined man a divorced father who has a job as a toilet seat designer. He lives with his daughter Min-chan who excels in both academics and sports. One day while on the toiler Ossan is sucked into it and becomes a hero charged with protecting the world. In exchange he transforms from his handsome form into a chubby...