Country: Japan
Genre: Supernatural, Science fiction, Horror, Psychological thriller, Anime
In a small town of Suiten located in a remote mountain region on the island of Kyūshū reality and the spirit realm collide. Ghosts and paranormal occurrences appear in the real world spreading through the town. Three high school boys Tarō Makoto and Masayuki who have all had traumatic experiences in their childhood observe the strange occurrences happening at Suiten. Together they...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha anime, Military science fiction, Anime
Without warning in the year 2050 an alien race known only as the Inbit arrive invade and successfully conquer the Earth. Years later and despite brutal past failures the inhabitants of Mars Colony send out yet another desperate Liberation Force to try and reclaim their lost home world. The fleet is all but destroyed. However a lone survivor Stig Bernard finds himself on Earth. Gathering a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Anime
The story takes place in the future where war machines from evil mechanical alien empire Garufa finally reaches Earth. In order to protect earth an Earth defense organization called GEAR Guard Earth and Advanced Reconnaissance is formed. GEAR has an ultimate weapon in a form of war mecha GEAR Fighter Dendoh which is piloted by two elementary school students namely Kusanagi Hokuto and Izumo...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Supernatural, Anime
Nanafa Kyan lives in Okinawa with her grandmother who runs the Kame Soba soba shop her beautiful older sister Nao who is in high school and her younger sister Kokona who is in elementary school and has a strong ability to sense the supernatural.One day Nanafa witnesses a seal fall off of a Chinese banyan tree and three spirits who live in that tree are unleashed. These spirits include...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance, Anime
Mihama Academy is a prison-like school. It is home to five female students who each have their own reasons. One day Yuuji the institutes first male student arrives and throws the orderly rhythm of Mihama off...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Adventurem, Anime
A manga comic book and anime television series by manga artist Go Nagai made as a direct continuation of the successful Mazinger Z series. It was aired on Japan in 1974 immediately following the end of the first Mazinger...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
Chitose Fujinomiya former heiress and currently an orphan has been kicked out of her super elite school Tokai no Gakuen City Academy and shunned by her former friends. She is sent to a rural public school Inaka no Chugakko Country Jr. High School where even pigs oxen and chickens are students. The only possession she has left is a pink goldfish named Gyopi given to her by her beloved...
Country: Canada, United States
Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy
The twisted adventures of the Binsford familys dog. A spin-off from an Amazing Stories...