Country: Japan
Genre: Magic, School
Individual pieces of human emotion usually take form as flowers known as Fragments. The select few who possess strong enough Fragments can become Reflectors beings who equip specialized rings that allow them to connect their thoughts memories and emotions to those whose feelings waver. There are two types of Reflectors—those who wear blue rings to protect those falling into depravity by...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, School, Sports
Tatsuya Yoigoshi a once nationally recognized soccer player is now a first-year student at Noukin High School. Due to his developed hatred for sports he has abandoned his previous aspirations to become a famous livestreamer on the internet. One day Souma Azemichi a first-year on the kabaddi team seeks to recruit Yoigoshi and spontaneously interrupts his livestream.Without any expectations...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Thriller, Crime, Drama
Han Jung Hyun is an agent at the Agency for National Security Planning known for his extraordinary quickness and boldness. He is living with a hidden identity when during a top-secret mission he falls in love with Choi Yeon Soo and eventually marries her. Jung Hyun is living as an ordinary husband and father a happy fool for his wife and two children. However the secrets of his past get...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi
About a group of survivors who have to fight for their lives against mutants that are created when humans breathe mysterious dark smoke from a sinkhole. Lee Hwa Sun is a police detective in the Seoul regional investigation unit. Lee Hwa Sun’s life is turned upside down when she receives a phone call from her husband’s murderer telling her to come to “Mujishi.” However the people in...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Short, Comedy, Family
Daffy Duck is an obnoxious radio host who puts the guest Porky through an arduous series of quiz tests. The more questions he gets wrong the more penalties Daffy gives...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Family, Short, Comedy
Daffy is an agent representing Sleepy Lagoon trying to sell him to talent scout Porky. Daffy spends a great deal of time and energy explaining and demonstrating what the kid can do while the kid sits on a couch licking a giant...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
After selling the rights of his book to a movie production company a writer finds himself fighting the many egos and varying views around...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Music, Comedy, Romance
Hoo Joon is a top star and Geun Young is a magazine reporter who both attend a club’s opening night. There Young witnesses Joons violent behavior and accidentally vomits on him. Young loses her job and is convinced that Joon has to be behind her firing. She retaliates by demonstrating in front of Joon’s management office where her picketing eventually garners some media attention and the...