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If you enjoy this movie, please consider sharing it with your friends. Thank you!
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Fantasy Anime, School Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Dub Anime
In a post-apocalyptic world overrun with mutated beasts called Limbeekoon or Filth Monsters humanity is forced to live in large mobile cities called Regios and learn to use special weapons called Dite by harnessing the power of Kei to defend themselves. In the Academy City of Zuellni Layfon Alseif is hoping to start a new life and forget his past. However his past has caught the attention...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Kids Anime, School Anime, Shounen Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
Crayon Shin-chan follows the wacky antics and adventures of five-year-old Shinnosuke Shin Nohara and his parents neighbors and friends and is set in Kasukabe Saitama Prefecture Japan. Many of the jokes in the series stem from Shin-chans occasionally weird unnatural and inappropriate use of language as well as from his inappropriate behavior. A typical gag involves Shin-chan...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Fantasy Anime, Historical Anime, Samurai Anime, Seinen Anime
Shimazu Toyohisa whilst involved at the Battle of Sekigahara manages to mortally wound Ii Naomasa but is critically wounded in the process. As he walks from the field broken and bleeding Toyohisa finds himself transported to a corridor of doors where a bespectacled man at a desk waits for him. This man Murasaki sends Toyohisa into the nearest door where he wakes up in another world....
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Drama Anime, Fantasy Anime, Magic Anime, Military Anime, Shounen Anime, Dub Anime
In this world there exist alchemists people who study and perform the art of alchemical transmutation - to manipulate objects and transform one object into another. They are bounded by the basic law of alchemy: in order to gain something you have to sacrifice something of the same value. The main character is the famous alchemist Edward Elric - also known as the Fullmetal Alchemist - who...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Fantasy Anime, Magic Anime, School Anime, Shoujo Anime, Super Power Anime,
Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro couldnt be more different. Nagisa is sporty and Honoka bookish and while they attend the same school they have very little in common—until one day a shower of shooting stars brings two very unlikely visitors into their lives: Mipple and Mepple refugees from the Garden of Light which has been conquered by Darkness. Endowed with new and startling powers...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Fantasy Anime, Supernatural Anime, Thriller Anime, Dub Anime
The battle for the Holy Grail continues with more lives lost and more secrets revealed. When the curtain falls who will emerge victorious is anyones guess... And what victorious truly means is even more...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dub Anime, Mecha Anime, Military Anime, ONA Anime
In 20xx a civil war broke out in a small country in Asia in spite of the dispatch of UN forces. But a picture taken by accident in the battlefield accelerates the peace process: a photograph of a flag which became the symbol of peace. However just before the peace agreement is finalized the flag is stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. To rescue the flag the UN...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Fantasy Anime, Supernatural Anime
Fate/Zero takes place 10 years prior to the events of Fate/stay night detailing the events of the 4th Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City. The War of the Holy Grail is a contest in which seven magi summon seven Heroic Spirits to compete to obtain the power of the Holy Grail which grants a miracle. After three inconclusive wars for the elusive Holy Grail the Fourth War commences. Founded by...