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Country: Italy, France
Genre: Horror
Patients and staff of an isolated mental hospital are being killed off by a hooded maniac who stalks the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Mecha, Military, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Space
The year is AD 2225. Kouji Aiba and Aoi Housen are serving as astronauts in-training in Liebe Delta which is located on the edge of the Geduld Sea. When saboteurs with unknown intents suddenly strike during a routine dive procedure the space station plummets into the Geduld a plasma field that links all the planets like a nervous system and crushes any ship that strays too far into it. With all...
Country: Japan
Genre: Shounen, Sports, Super Power
Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy introduces Football Frontier International Vision 2 FFIV2 with Shinsei Inazuma Japan as the protagonist team. The team includes previous characters such as Matsukaze Tenma Shindou Takuto and Tsurugi Kyousuke as well as other new characters all who are known to be talented in fields such as boxing mathematics and rhythmic gymnastics but poor at...
Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
In the beginning of this film Leo is an adult and has just learned that his mate Lyra has just given birth to twin cubs: Lune pronounced Lu-Ney and Lukio. After a grand celebration the scene changes drastically to a bustling city where a man named Ham Egg is travelling from jeweler to jeweler to try and sell a special stone he found in the Bajalu Jungle. After being...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Space
Iria is the story of a girl and the Alien being she loves to hate. The series begins with her brother Gren taking a job. He is a bounty hunter and one well known for his incredible skill. Iria being a skilled apprentice bounty hunter herself tags along. What is the job one might ask. It is to find out what has happened to the crew and cargo of a Space Station. Needless to say nothing is as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha
Tony Stark CEO of a large weapons manufacturer physicist engineer and brilliant inventor is wounded by shrapnel from one of his own weapons. While held captive by terrorists he develops the Iron Man Suit and escapes. From that day on he vows not to waste his second chance at life and to change the world for the better. For that purpose he comes to Japan.In Lab 23 in Japan great strides...