Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery
Researcher Emilie Price stumbles across a collection of disturbing evidence of various supernatural...
Country: Japan
Set in 2008 Kurenai Wataru is a young man who is destined from birth to become Kamen Rider Kiva and to fight rampant race of monsters known as Fangires which sustain themselves by draining human life. Though fighting on the side of humanity Kiva is targeted by an organization which seeks to protect the human race from other races thus seeing Kiva as a threat. They have a soldier on their...
Country: China
Genre: Comedy, romantic
based on a story by Mr. Pang and the book “Everyone Loves Tender Woman” by Loverman. A woman works on her seduction skills in order to win over a platonic male friend who recently found a girlfriend. Soon enough the two ladies are openly fighting each other for his...
Country: Japan
Genre: legal
31-year-old Iwasaki Urara became a lawyer and did a disservice to client because of her own mistake in her first court case. This traumatized her and she gave up being a lawyer. Fretting that she isnt cut out to be a lawyer Urara ekes out a living by working part time. She is saddled with a debt of 4 million yen in fees to become a lawyer and her days are empty without purpose in life or work....
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Family, Melodrama
Dong Suk is on his way home. A poor 18-year-old boy who left his home becomes a prosecutor a fairly successful job and returns to his old home after 14 years. It was not that easy to be back home. When he thought of his family he was embarrassed shameful angry and he wanted to get away from them. However for the first time in his life he would say “Thank you.” “Sorry.” “You...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
After death people have just one week to choose only a memory to keep for...
Country: South Korea
Genre: family, romance
A heart warming family drama about a mother named Yoon Bok Hee Bae Jong Ok who goes from being a market merchant to a billionaire loan shark suffering from Alzheimers and how she raising her children who struggle to grow up in such situation to run their family business and take care their mother.Go Young Chae Jung Yoo Mi is a designer and the oldest daughter of Yoon Bok Hee. She is spoiled...