Genre: Animation
Setsuna Mudo is a college freshman just trying to get by without running afoul of his bullying seniors. It doesnt help that hes in love with his sister Sara who only sees him once a month. But theres more to his life than just keeping his head down.Setsuna is ambushed by mysterious beings angels and demons all professing to know his true destiny. The angels say he is the reincarnation of...
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
Angelique Limoges and Rosalia de Catargena have been chosen as candidates in a Queen Examination - a test to see who is better qualified to be the next Queen of the cosmos. For this special examination both girls are given their own continent on a planet. The girls must raise the continents into thriving civilizations and environments. Nine Guardians who control various elements such as fire...
Genre: Dementia, Drama, Fantasy
In a desolate and dark world full of shadows lives one little girl who seems to do nothing but collect water in jars and protect a large egg she carries everywhere. A mysterious man enters her life... and they discuss the world around...
Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
A trio of diabolical dragons stirs from eons of slumber deep within the earth. Charging to the surface they launch a bloody rampage against humanity feasting on the weak and gaining strength from their hapless victims souls. It will take the power of ancient god Takegami the Guardian of Darkness to vanquish the evil serpent forces. But alas the mortal body Takegami inhabits belongs to a...
Genre: Demons, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
Long ago there were fierce gods of legends who shook the earth to its foundation with their power. There are now prehistoric rivals from the primitive times in Japan that fought to protect their secrets in the present day. The God of Darkness Susanoah-oh is now sleeping in the shadows of the underworld waiting for his rebirth. However his coming hasnt gone unoticed. There are agents from the...