Genre: Adventure, Drama, Dub, Movie, Romance, Supernatural
On the way to their new home 10-year-old Chihiro Oginos family stumbles upon a deserted theme park. Intrigued the family investigates the park though unbeknown to them it is secretly inhabited by spirits who sleep by day and appear at night. When Chihiros mother and father eat food from a restaurant in the street angry spirits turns them into pigs. Furthermore a wide sea has appeared...
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Movie, Romance, Supernatural
On the way to their new home 10-year-old Chihiro Oginos family stumbles upon a deserted theme park. Intrigued the family investigates the park though unbeknown to them it is secretly inhabited by spirits who sleep by day and appear at night. When Chihiros mother and father eat food from a restaurant in the street angry spirits turns them into pigs. Furthermore a wide sea has appeared...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mecha, Military, Movie, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Super Power
Deep in the Ararat Mountains of Turkey a secret organization known as ARCAM has found what is believed to be Noahs Ark. However the U.S. Machine Corps. a rogue organization of the Pentagon wants to take over the Ark as a means of global supremacy. Only a special ARCAM operative known as a Spriggan stands in their way. Japanese Spriggan Yu Ominae teams up with French Spriggan Jean-Jacques...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Dub, Mecha, Military, Movie, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Super Power
Deep in the Ararat Mountains of Turkey a secret organization known as ARCAM has found what is believed to be Noahs Ark. However the U.S. Machine Corps. a rogue organization of the Pentagon wants to take over the Ark as a means of global supremacy. Only a special ARCAM operative known as a Spriggan stands in their way. Japanese Spriggan Yu Ominae teams up with French Spriggan Jean-Jacques...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Kids, Movie, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Doraemon is a robotic cat that lives in the 22nd century and is known as a caretaker who helps others with his futuristic gadgets. One day he is approached by Sewashi Nobi the great-great-grandson of Nobi Nobita. Sewashi demands of Doraemon to go back to the past and make Nobita happy in order to prevent a disastrous and bleak future. Doraemon is not excited about this idea but Sewashi...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Dub, ONA, Sci-Fi, Space
Andross an ape exiled from the Lylat Planetary System by General Pepper seeks revenge by attacking the planet Corneria and its innocence kidnapping Pepper in the process. Meanwhile its another usual day for Team Star Fox a gang of space mercenaries: Lazing around getting angry at video games and being lectured by their mentors. But all of that changes once they receive a distress call...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, ONA, Sci-Fi, Space
Andross an ape exiled from the Lylat Planetary System by General Pepper seeks revenge by attacking the planet Corneria and its innocence kidnapping Pepper in the process. Meanwhile its another usual day for Team Star Fox a gang of space mercenaries: Lazing around getting angry at video games and being lectured by their mentors. But all of that changes once they receive a distress call...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Dub, Mecha, OVA, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shounen
It is earths most desperate hour. It is a time for heroes. And it is the ultimate battle for freedom in this rocket-fueled animated spectacular!The Starbirds have invaded planet Earth. It seems our only hope lies with Kelly- a daring young starfighter who pilots an indestructible cyborg robot. But wait! A growing force of Starbird rebels are fighting to overthrow the oppressive rule of their...