Demise (2024)

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Demise (2024)

  • Genres: Thriller
  • Country: United States
  • Director: Yara Estrada
  • Duration: 114 min
  • Year: 2024
  • Actors: Cedric Jonathan, Liz Fenning, Carlo Mendez
Latino landscaper, Caleb Castillo, leads a double life. He is entangled in a steamy affair with rising fashion star, Fiona Hernandez, while simultaneously devoted to his beautiful wife, Celine. Celine wants a child with Caleb more than anything in the world. As Fiona’s patience wears thin with Caleb’s promises to leave his wife, Celine discovers Caleb’s infidelity; they break up. Caleb and Fiona begin to forge a new life together, but Celine becomes obsessed with reclaiming what she believes is rightfully hers, including Caleb’s newborn son, Brody. It appears that she may just succeed. But just when Celine thinks she has achieved her devious goals.

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