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If you enjoy this movie, please consider sharing it with your friends. Thank you!
Storyline: After their production "Princess Ida" meets with less-than-stunning reviews, the relationship between Gilbert and Sullivan is strained to breaking. Their friends and associates attempt to get the two to work together again, which opens the way to "The Mikado," one of the duo's greatest successes...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Slice of Life, Anime
Randou Rino is a young girl with a head full of air and a talking puppet on her hand. She is accepted into the illustrious Gokujou all-girls school and is summarily almost curiously accepted as part of the even more illustrious Gokujou Student Council who has more power and business ventures than most large businesses. Now a part of the student council she befriends the talented members of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Slice of Life, Anime
Shinomiya Kyouya is forced to become a new member of the GJ an unidentified club that dwells in a room of the former building of a certain school. Here he meets the club leader Mao a short girl with a big attitude; Maos younger sister Megumi who has the heart of a bipolar angel; the recognized genius with a lack of common sense Shion; and the always-hungry and mysterious Kirara. Time flies...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Anime
The protagonist Kouda Mikako is a student of Yaza Gaku. Specialising in fashion design Mikako dreams of becoming a fashion designer with her own brand. Living next to her is her childhood friend Yamaguchi Tsutomu. Even though they have been close since they were young they share a platonic friendship. However Tsutomu has been gaining popularity especially with the girls because he seems...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of life, Anime
Go! Go! 575 adapts the Project 575 games for PlayStation Vita and iOS which allow anyone to create songs using the traditional Japanese 5-7-5-syllable meter found in haiku and tanka...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Based on Rieko Saibaras humorous semi-autobiographical manga about her life raising her two...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Anime
Five years ago while battling an alien force known as the Mimesis Dannar pilot Goh Saruwatari first met Anna Aoi. Today on the day of their wedding the ceremony is interrupted when the Mimesis strike again. As Goh struggles in his battle against the alien threat Anna stumbles upon a top secret robot known as the Neo-Okusaer and uses it as a last-resort to save her fiancee. At that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Anime
It all starts when Gokudou steals a pouch from a fortuneteller thinking that it contains a gem. Instead it turns out to be a rock from which emerges Djinn. The genie grants Gokudou the standard three wishes but our anti-hero doesnt think heavily about his wishes. Gokudou does get his wishes though not exactly in the fashion that he expected. The best thing he gets out of his wishes is Honou...
Country: Japan
Genre: Manga, Anime
The manga has been adapted into an anime series by LMD. The series began airing on Chukyo TV from January 23 2012. Certain episodes containing explicit content were not broadcast and were instead streamed on DMMs website from January 30 2012. An additional original video animation episode was released on BD/DVD on June 26 2013.[2][3][4]The opening theme is Gokujyo. no...