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The story of the Greek mythological figure, updated in this 80's version...
Country: N/A
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy
Tsuchimikado Harutora was born into the prestigious Onmyoji family but cant see spirit energy. Therefore hes been enjoying a peaceful daily life with his friends at the Onmyo branch...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Horror
With the space program attempting to travel to Mars 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Variety, Reality
Running Man Korean: ??? is a South Korean variety show; a part of SBS’s Good Sunday lineup along with K-pop Star K? ??. It was first aired on July 11 2010. This show is classified as an “urban action variety”; a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows. The MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win the race. It has garnered attention as being the come-back program for...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Join top Korean celebrities as they get paired off with another celebrity and play a married couple together! They must learn to both live together but also how to be married. The current couples are: Min Nam Goong & Hong Jin Young Hong Jong Hyun & Kim Yura Song Jae Rim & Kim So...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama
Youre stuck on survival island until you gather 7 gems and the only way to get gems is by killing other...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy
A real variety show hosts Yoo Jae Suk Park Myung Soo Jung Jun Ha Ha Ha Noh Hong Chul Jung Hyung Don and Gil Seong Joon undergo several challenges every week. From arriving early on set to composing original songs the hosts scramble their way to the top and win proving that Infinity Challenge is 3-D: dirty dangerous and difficult. Let the games...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Hae-Gang Kim Hyun-Joo is a successful lawyer but she wants to become more successful. Due to her ambitions her relationship with her husband Jin-Eon Ji Jin-Hee deteriorates. At that his time Jin-Eon meets Seol-Ri Park Han-Byul who attends the same graduate school. Her personality is pure and enthusiastic like his wife Hae-Gang had in the past. Hae-Gang then has an accident and loses...